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【2011全国卷,32】They ____ have arrived at lunchtime but their flight was delayed.
A.will          B.can             C.must        D.should
【解析】句意为“他们本该午饭时到达,但他们的航班推迟了。”will have done将来可以完成;can have done可能做过……吗?表示对过去行为的怀疑,用于疑问句;must have done一定做过某事,表示对过去事情的肯定推测;should have done本来应该做某事,而实际没做。but their flight was delayed这样的结果,说明他们本来该到达却没有到达,因此选D。
【2011全国卷II,8】If you ____ smoke, please go outside.
   A. can           B. should         C. must            D. may
【解析】句意为“如果你非得要抽烟,请到外面去抽。”must (表示主张)一定要,坚持要。根据后一句please go outside的要求,选C。
【2011北京卷,24】——I don’t really like James. Why did you invite him?
——Don’t worry. He ____ come. He said he wasn’t certain what his plans were.
A. must not    B. need not     C. would not     D. might not
【解析】句意为“——我真不喜欢James。你为何请了他?——别担心。他可能来不了。他说他的计划还没安排好。”题干中的he wasn’t certain说明他可能不来,可能来,因此使用不完全否定might not。选D。
【2011上海春招,27】Some young people these days just ____ go out of their homes to contact the real world.
A. mustn’t B. won’t C. mightn’t D. shouldn’t
【2011江苏卷,34】——I left my handbag on the train, but luckily someone gave it to a railway official.
——How unbelievable to get it back! I mean, someone ______ it.
A. will have stolen     B. might have stolen   C. should have stolen    D. must have stolen
【解析】句意为“——我把我的手提包落在火车上了。但幸运的是,有人拾到交给了铁路部门。——失而复得,简直难以置信!我是说,本来可能有人会偷了去。”will have done将来可以完成,must have done一定做过某事,表示对过去事情的肯定推测,都与题意不符。should have done本来应该做某事,而实际没做,这就意味着希望有人偷包。might have stolen 过去可能做过,语气比较婉转或不肯定,根据句意选B。
【2011福建卷,25】——Shall I inform him of the change of the schedule right now?
——I am afraid you ____ , in case he comes late for the meeting .
A.will       B.must    C.may      D.can
【解析】句意为“——需要我现在就通知他计划有变吗?——恐怕你得这样做,以防他开会迟到。”must (表示必要、命令或强制)必须,得。根据后半句,选B。
【2011安徽卷, 26】——What do you think of store shopping in the future?
——Personally, I think it will exist along with home shopping but ____ .
A. will never replace          B. would never replace
C. will never be replaced       D. would never be replaced
【解析】句意为“——你对将来的商店购物怎么看?——我个人认为会与在家购物并存,但商店购物不会被取代。”根据I think it will exist along with home shopping,排除虚拟的选项D,这是表示将来的时间,考虑到被动语态,选C。
【2011浙江卷,11】——How’s your new babysitter?
——We ____ ask for a better one. All our kids love her so much.
A. should  B. might   C.  mustn‘t  D. couldn’t
【2011四川卷,20】The police still haven’t found the lost child, but they’re doing all they          .
A.can           B.may          C.must       D.should
【2011重庆卷,25】——Why didn’t you come to Simon’s party last night?
—— I wanted to ,but my mom simply ____ not let me out so late at night.
A. could     B. might       C. would     D. should
【2011陕西卷,24】——Will you read me a story ,Mummy?
——OK. You  ____ have one if you go to bed as soon as possible.
A. might     B. must      C. could    D. shall
【解析】句意为“——妈妈,可以读一个故事给我听吗?——好的,如果你马上上床睡觉的话。”shall 用于陈述句中的第二、第三人称时,表示说话人的意图、允诺、警告、命令、决心等,题中是母亲对儿子的承诺,故选D。
【2011湖南卷,28】No one  ____ be compared with Yao Ming in playing basketball.
A. can             B. need            C. must         D. might
【2011辽宁卷,21】If you ____ go, at least wait until the storm is over.
A. can              B. may             C. must             D. will
can可以,能够;may 可能,许可;must(表示主张)一定要,坚持要;will将要,愿意。根据后句的劝告,选C。
【2011江西卷23】It ____ be the postman at the door. It’s only six o’clock.
A. mustn’t         B.can’t         C.won’t         D.needn’t
【解析】句意为“不可能是邮递员在门口,才六点钟呢。”mustn’t 禁止,不允许;can’t 不可能;won’t 不愿意,就是不,偏不;needn’t 不需要。根据后一句中“现在仅仅是六点”,only一词肯定语气强烈,前一句为门外的绝不可能是邮递员。故选B。

