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【2011全国卷,30】The form cannot be signed by anyone ____ yourself.
A.rather than     B.other than       C.more than    D.better than
【解析】句意为“这张表格只能由你本人签字。”rather than而不;other than除了,相当于but和except;more than不仅仅;better than比…多、好。选B。
【2011全国卷II,12】It is one thing to enjoy listening to good music, but it is ____ another to play it well yourself.
A. quite          B. very           C. rather           D. much
【解析】句意为“欣赏好的音乐是一回事,但是自己把它演奏好完全是另一回事。”表示“很,非常”时,very用来修饰形容词、副词或分词形容词,much用来修饰形容词或副词的比较级、最高级,也可修饰形容词性的过去分词或描述性形容词的原级;quite和rather都可修饰名词,但rather多用于贬义;another指的是another thing,这个名词受quite的修饰。因此选A。
【2011全国卷II,17】Mr. Stevenson is great to work for ——I really couldn't ask for a _______ boss.
A. better        B. good         C. best        D. still better
【解析】句意为“为Stevenson先生工作真好,我实在找不到比他更好的老板了。”否定词couldn't与better连用,表示“非常好”,等于最高级;still better不能用于否定句中。因此选A。
【2011上海春招,28】You’d be exposed to a lot ______ pollution if you moved to a town with pure water and air.
 A. m ore B. most C. less D. least
【解析】句意为“如果我们搬到空气清新、水质纯净的小镇去,我们受到的污染将会少得多。”空格前的a lot修饰比较级more或less,根据后面的语意,选C。
【2011江苏卷,25】In that school, English is compulsory for all students, but French and Russian are _________.
A.special   B.regional   C.optional   D.original
【2011福建卷,30】Nowedays, there is a ____ increase in children’s creativity, for they are greatly encouraged to drevelop their talents.
A.sharp   B.slight   C.natural    D.modest
【2011安徽卷,31】_____, I managed to get through the game and the pain was worth it in the end.
A. Hopefully   B. Normally   C. Thankfully   D. Conveniently
【2011浙江卷,9】The professor could tell by the  ___________look in Maria’s eyes that she didn't understand a singl e word of his lecture
A. cold   B. blank   C. innocent  D. fresh
【解析】句意为“根据Maria茫然的眼神,这位教授能够看出她对他所讲的内容连一个字也没有听懂。”cold冰冷的;blank空虚的,茫然的;innocent无辜的;fresh新鲜的。根据后面didn't understand,选B。
【2011浙江卷,13】I’ve been writing this report____ for the last two weeks, but it has to be handed in tomorrow.
A. finally   B. immediately   C. occasionally   D. certainly
【解析】句意为“在过去的两周里,我是时续时断地写这个报告,可是这个报告明天就得交了。”fi nally最终地;immediately立即,马上;occasionally偶尔地;certainly肯定地。根据but it has to be handed in tomorrow句意,选C。
【2011浙江卷,16】My schedule is very ______right now, but I’ll try to fit you in.
A. tight   B. short    C. regular    D. flexible
【解析】句意为“现在,我的计划很紧凑,但我会尽力把你安排进去。”tight  (安排)紧凑的, 紧密的;short简短的,短缺的, 不够;regular有规律的, 定期的,符合规定的;flexible柔韧的,灵活的,可变通的。
【2011四川卷,12】——How are your recent trip to Sichuan?
   ——I’ve never had ____ one before.
A.a pleasant  B.a more pleasant   C.a most pleasant  D.the most pleasant
【解析】句意为“——最近你到四川的旅行怎么样?——从来没有这么愉快过。”否定词never与a more pleasant连用,表示“非常愉快”,等于最高级。the most pleasant是特指,需要有比较的范围,但是这个范围并不存在。因此选B。
【2011陕西卷,17】The new stadium being built for the next Asian Games will be      the present one。
A.as three times big as     B. three times as big as
C. as big as three times      D. as big three times as
【解析】句意为“为下一届亚运会而修建的体育馆将会是目前的体育馆三倍大小。”表示倍数的词做修饰语时,放在as的前面,即“倍数 + as + adj + as”, 因此选B。
【2011湖北卷,23】The old engineer’s eyes still shone bright in the wrinkled brown face and his step as he came across the room was________,though slow.
A. shaky          B. heavy           C. casual            D. steady
【2011湖北卷,24】An unhappy childhood may have some negative effects on a person’s characters; however, they are not always_________,
A. practical      B. avoidable           C. permanent           D. beneficial
【解析】句意为“不幸的童年可能会对人的性格产生一些消极的影响;然而,这些影响不总 是持久的。”practical实际的,实用的;avoidable可避免的;permanent永久的,持久的;beneficial有益的。根据语意,选择C。
【2011湖北卷,25】The state-run company is required to make its accounts as_________ as possible for its staff to monitor the use of money.
A. transparent      B. reasonable         C. secure          D. formal
【2011江西卷24】——The film is , I have to say, not a bit interesting.
——Why? It’s ______ than the films I have ever seen.
A. far more interesting         B.much less interesting
C. no more interesting         D.any less interesting
【2011江西卷33】She has already tried her best. Please don’t be too ______ about her job.
A.special          B.responsible         C.unusual         D.particular
【解析】句意为“她已经尽了最大的努力。请不要对她的工作太挑剔了。”be particular about 对…挑剔,是固定搭配。选D。

