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    • 英中对照 §91 贫人欲与富者等财物喻(91) the poor want to have as much as the rich 昔有一贫人,有少财物。见大富者,意欲共等。不能等故,虽有少财,欲弃水中。傍人语言:“此物虽尠,可得延君性命数日,何故舍弃掷著水中?”once upon a time, there was a poor man who had but few possessions.

    • 英中对照 §90 地得金钱喻(90) picking up money 昔有贫人在路而行,道中偶得一囊金钱,心中大喜跃,即便数之。数未能周,金主忽至,尽还夺钱。其人当时悔不急去,懊恼之情,甚为极苦。once upon a time, there was a poor man who picked up a sack of money in the streets. he was overwhelm

    • 英中对照 §89 得金鼠狼喻(89) the gold weasel 昔有一人,在路而行,道中得一金鼠狼,心中喜踊,持置怀中,涉路而进。至水欲渡,脱衣置地,寻时金鼠变为毒蛇。once upon a time, there was a man who found a gold weasel while traveling. he put it inside of his shirt as he le

    • 英中对照 §61 梵天弟子造物因喻(61) brahma's disciple can create all things 婆罗门众皆言:“大梵天王是世间父,能造万物,造万物主者。”有弟子言:“我亦能造万物。”实是愚痴,自谓有智,语梵天言:“我欲造万物。”brahmans say that the great brahma was both father of the world and crea

    • 索无物喻


      英中对照 §56 索无物喻(56) to ask nothing 昔有二人,道中共行,见一人将胡麻车在险路中,不得前。时将车者语彼二人:“佐我推车出此险路。”once upon a time, two men walking together saw another fellow trying in vain to pull a chariot loaded with sesame out of

    • 观作瓶喻


      英中对照 §59 观作瓶喻(59) watching urn making 譬如二人至陶师所,观其蹋轮而作瓦瓶,看无餍足。一人舍去,往至大会,极得美膳,又获珍宝。一人观瓶,而作是言:“待我看讫。”once two men went to a potter's field where they watched a tread-wheel making earns. they were delight

    • 英中对照 §58 二子分财喻(58) the two brothers and their inheritance 昔摩罗国有一刹利,得病极重,必知定死,诫敕二子:“我死之后,善分财物。”once upon a time, there was a ksatriya of the makara kingdom who fell seriously ill, and was aware of the

    • 英中对照 §57 蹋长者口喻(57) treading on the ellders mouth 昔有大富长者,左右之人,欲取其意,皆尽恭敬。长者唾时,左右侍人,以脚蹋却。有一愚者,不及得蹋,而作是言:“若唾地者,诸人蹋却。欲唾之时,我当先蹋。”once upon a time there was an extremely wealthy elder whose attendants were e

    • 英中对照 §60 见水底金影喻(60) seeing the shadow of gold at the bottom of a pond 昔有痴人,往大池所,见水底影,有真金像,谓呼“有金”,即入水中挠泥求觅,疲极不得。还出复坐。once upon a time, there was a man who went to a large pond where he thought he had s

    • 英中对照 §55 愿为王剃须喻(55) to be a king's barber 昔者有王,有一亲信,于军阵中,殁命救王,使得安全。王大欢喜,与其所愿。即便问言:“汝何所求,恣汝所欲。”once upon a time, a king's personal attendant risked his life to save the king at the battlefield. the kin

    • 英中对照 §54 蛇头尾共争在前喻(54) the snake's argument 譬如有蛇,尾与头言:“我应在前。”once there was a snake whose tail told its head, "i should lead the way." 头语尾言:“我恒在前,何以卒尔?”and the head said, "i'm used to leading, why do y

    • 英中对照 §53 师患脚付二弟子喻(53) the master's aching legs 譬如一师,有二弟子。其师患脚,遣二弟子,人当一脚,随时按摩。其二弟子,常相憎嫉。一弟子行,其一弟子捉其所当按摩之脚,以石打折。彼既来已,忿其如是,复捉其人所按之脚,寻复打折。once a master told two of his disciples to take care of his aching

    • 英中对照 §51 五人买婢共使作喻(51) a maid and her five masters 譬如五人,共买一婢,其中一人语此婢言:“与我浣衣。”once there were five men who together bought a maid to whom one of them said, "get my clothes washed." 又有一人复语浣衣。婢语此者:“先与其浣。”

    • 英中对照 §62 病人食雉肉喻(62) the patient eats the pheasant meat 昔有一人,病患委笃。良医占之曰:“须恒食一种雉肉,可得愈病。”而此病者,市得一雉,食之已尽,更不复食。医于后时,见便问之:“汝病愈未?”once upon a time, there was a man who was seriously ill. a skillful physician

    • 英中对照 §75 驼瓮俱失喻(75) the came and the jar are both lost 昔有一人,先瓮中盛谷。骆驼入头,瓮中食谷,复不得出。既不得出,以为忧恼。有一老人来,语之言:“汝莫愁也。我教汝出。汝用我语,必得速出。汝当斩头,自得出之。”once upon a time, there was a man who had a jar used to hold grain.

    • 英中对照 §52 伎儿作乐喻(52) the musician 譬如伎儿,王前作乐,王许千钱。后从王索,王不与之。王语之言:“汝向作乐,空乐我耳;我与汝钱,亦乐汝耳。”once a musician played in the presence of the king who had promised him a thousand coins. later, he asked the king f

    • 英中对照 §63 伎儿著戏罗刹服共相惊怖喻(63) an actor wearing a demon's garment 昔乾陀卫国有诸伎儿,因时饥俭,逐食他土。经婆罗新山,而此山中,素饶恶鬼、食人罗刹。时诸伎儿会宿山中,山中风寒,然火而卧。伎人之中有患寒者,著彼戏衣罗刹之服,向火而座。时行伴中从睡寤者,卒见火边有一罗刹,竟不谛观,舍之而走。遂相惊动,一切伴侣悉皆逃奔。时彼伴中著罗刹衣者,亦复寻逐

    • 英中对照 §64 人谓故屋中有恶鬼喻(64) an evil demon in the old house 昔有故屋,人谓此室常有恶鬼,皆悉怖畏,不敢寝息。时有一人,自谓大胆,而作是言:“我欲入此室中寄卧一宿。”即入宿止。once upon a time, there was an old house where the rumors had it that an evil demon often

    • 英中对照 §65 五百欢喜丸喻(65) five hundred happy pills 昔有一妇,荒淫无度,欲情既盛,嫉恶其夫;每思方策,频欲残害。种种设计,不得其便。会值其夫,聘使邻国。妇密为计,造毒药丸,欲用害夫。诈语夫言:“尔今远使,虑有乏短。今我造作五百欢喜丸,用为资粮,以送与尔。尔若出国,至他境界,饥困之时,乃可取食。”once upon a time, there was a wom

    • 英中对照 §66 口诵乘船法而不解用喻(66) reading the sailing methods 昔有大长者子,共诸商人入海采宝。此长者子善诵入海捉船方法,若入海水漩洑洄流矶激之处,当如是捉,如是正,如是住。语众人言:“入海方法,我悉知之。”once upon a time, there was a young man from a respectable family who went t
