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    • 英中对照 §67 夫妇食饼共为要喻(67) a bet over a cake 昔有夫妇,有三番饼,夫妇共分,各食一饼;馀一番在,共作要言:“若有语者,要不与饼。”既作要已,为一饼故,各不敢言。once upon a time, there were a man and his wife who shared three cakes. on the third, they made a bet,

    • 英中对照 §68 共相怨害喻(68) bearing a grudge against one another 昔有一人,共他相嗔,愁忧不乐。有人问言:“汝今何故愁悴如是?”once upon a time, there was an unhappy man who bore grudges against another man. he was asked: "why are you so un

    • 英中对照 §69 效其祖先急速食喻(69) the man eats quickly 昔有一人从北天竺至南天竺。住止既久,即聘其女共为夫妇。时妇为夫造设饮食,夫得急吞,不避其热。妇时怪之,语其夫言:“此中无贼劫夺人者,有何急事,匆匆乃尔,不安徐食!”once upon a time, there was a man who went from north india to the south wh

    • 英中对照 §70 尝庵婆罗果喻(70) to taste apples 昔有一长者,遣人持钱至他园中买庵婆罗果而欲食之,而敕之言:“好甜美者,汝当买来。”once upon a time, there was an elderly man who sent a servant to buy him some apples. he gave him orders as follows, "you'l

    • 英中对照 §71 为二妇丧其两目喻(71) the man who turned blind 昔有一人,聘取二妇。若近其一,为一所嗔。不能裁断,便在二妇中间,正身仰卧。值天大雨,屋舍淋漏,水土俱下,堕其眼中。以先有要,不敢起避,遂令二目俱失其明。once upon a time, there was a man who had two wives. whenever he was with one

    • 英中对照 §72 唵米决口喻(72) an operation on the mouth 昔有一人,至妇家舍,见其捣米,便往其所,偷米唵之。妇来见夫,欲共其语,满口中米,都不应和。羞其妇故,不肯弃之,是以不语。once upon a time, there was a man who went to his wife's home where he saw people removing the

    • 英中对照 §74 出家凡夫贪利养喻(74) becoming a common monk 昔有国王,设于教法,诸有婆罗门等,在我国内,制抑洗净。不洗净者,驱令策使种种苦役。once upon a time, there was a kingdom which had a law that all brahmans in the country should keep their bodies cl

    • 英中对照 §48 野干为折树枝所打喻(48) the fox was hit by a snap to twig 譬如野干,在于树上,风吹枝折,堕其脊上,即便闭目,不欲看树。舍弃而走,到于露地,乃至日暮,亦不肯来。once a fox who stood under a tree was hit by a twig fallen on his back. he then closed his ey

    • 英中对照 §76 田夫思王女喻the farmer longed for the princess 昔有田夫,游行城邑,见国王女颜貌端正,世所希有。昼夜想念,情不能已。思与交通,无由可遂。颜色瘀黄,即成重病。诸所亲见,便问其人:“何故如是?”答亲里言:“我昨见王女,颜貌端正,思与交通,不能得故,是以病耳。我若不得,必死无疑。”once upon a time, there was a farmer

    • 英中对照 §73 诈言马死喻(73) the horse was dead 昔有一人,骑一黑马,入阵击贼,以其怖故,不能战斗,便以血污涂其面目,诈现死相,卧死人中,其所乘马为他所夺。军众既去,便欲还家,即截他人白马尾来。既到舍已,有人问言:“汝所乘马今为所在?何以不乘?”once upon a time, there was a man who rode on a black horse to a

    • 英中对照 §50 医治脊偻喻(50) to cure a hunchback 譬如有人,卒患脊偻,请医疗治。医以酥涂,上下著板,用力痛压,不觉双目一时并出。once there was a man who suddenly became a hunchback. he went to a physician who treated him first with ointment smeared o

    • 英中对照 §47 贫人能作鸳鸯鸣喻(47) the poor man crows like a duck 昔外国法,节庆之日,一切妇女尽持优钵罗花以为鬘饰。it happened once that a foreign country was celebrating its religious day for festivities. all women wore blue lotus flowe

    • 英中对照 §49 小儿争分别毛喻(49) boys' argument on the subject of hair 譬如昔日,有二小儿,入河遨戏,于此水底得一把毛。一小儿言:“此是仙须。”一小儿言:“此是熊毛。”尔时河边有一仙人,此二小儿诤之不已,诣彼仙所,决其所疑。而彼仙人寻即取米及胡麻子,口中含嚼,吐著掌中,语小儿言:“我掌中者,似孔雀屎。”there were once two boys

    • 牧羊人喻


      英中对照 §30 牧羊人喻(30) the sheep - farmer 昔有一人,巧于牧羊,其羊滋多,乃有千万。极大悭贪,不肯外用。once upon a time, there was a shepherd who was skillful in raising as many as thousands of sheep. however, he was so stingy that he w

    • 英中对照 §29 贫人烧粗褐衣喻(29) the poor man burns his coarse woollen clothing 昔有一人,贫穷困乏。与他客作,得粗褐衣,而被著之。有人见之,而语之言:“汝种姓端正,贵人之子,云何著此粗弊衣褐?我今教汝,当使汝得上妙衣服。当随我语,终不欺汝。”once upon a time, there was a poor and weary man wh

    • 英中对照 §28 为妇贸鼻喻(28) change the wife's nose 昔有一人,其妇端正,唯有鼻丑。其人外出,见他妇面貌端正,其鼻甚好,便作是言:“我今宁可截取其鼻,著我妇面上,不亦好乎!”once upon a time, there was a man whose wife was graceful except for her ugly nose. when he was ou

    • 治鞭疮喻


      英中对照 §27 治鞭疮喻(27) dress whip wounds 昔有一人,为王所鞭。既被鞭已,以马屎拊之,欲令速差。有愚人见之,心生欢喜,便作是言:“我快得是治疮方法。”once upon a time, there was a man who was punished by the king by whipping and was wounded from it. he applied

    • 英中对照 §26 人效王眼瞤喻(26) the king's blinking habit is imitated 昔有一人,欲得王意,问余人言:“云何得之?”有人语言:“若欲得王意者,王之形相,汝当效之。”once upon a time, there was a man who wanted to please the king. he asked the others how to do i

    • 英中对照 §31 雇请瓦师喻(31) mason wanted 昔有婆罗门师,欲作大会,语弟子言:“我须瓦器,以供会用。汝可为我雇请瓦师。诣市觅之。”once upon a time, a brahman master indented to give a big party. he told his disciple, "i need earthenware for the party. go

    • 英中对照 §22 入海取沉水喻(22) get lignaloes from under the sea 昔有长者子,入海取沉水,积有年载,方得一车。持来归家,诣市卖之。以其贵故,卒无买者。经历多日,不能得售,心生疲厌,以为苦恼。once upon a time there was a merchant who was getting lignaloes from under the sea. h
