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    • 水火喻


      英中对照 §25 水火喻(25) the fire and the water 昔有一人,事须火用,及以冷水,即便宿火,以澡盥盛水,置于火上。后欲取火,而火都灭;欲取冷水,而水复热。火及冷水,二事俱失。once upon a time, there was a man who needed fire and cold water in caring out his household duties

    • 英中对照 §21 妇人欲更求子喻(21) a woman longs for a second child 往昔世时,有妇女人,始有一子,更欲求子。问余妇女:“谁有能使我重有子?”once there was a woman who longed for a second child. he asked other women, "who could bring me another child?

    • 英中对照 §20 人说王纵暴喻(20) the king was said to have given rein to cruelty 昔有一人,说王过罪,而作是言:“王甚暴虐,治政无理。”once upon a time a man pronouncing his king's crimes, said, "very cruel is the king. he is incapable of g

    • 英中对照 §19 乘船失釪喻(19) loss of a silver bowl by boat 昔有人乘船渡海,失一银釪,堕于水中。即便思念:“我今画水作记,舍之而去,后当取之。”once upon a time there was a man who dropped a silver bowl into the sea while crossing it. he pondered, "i'm

    • 英中对照 §18 就楼磨刀喻(18) grind a knife upstairs 昔有一人,贫穷困苦,为王作事。日月经久,身体羸瘦。王见怜愍,赐一死驼。贫人得已,即便剥皮,嫌刀钝故,求石欲磨。乃于楼上得一磨石,磨刀令利,来下而剥。once upon a time there was a poor man who had to work very hard in the king's servic

    • 债半钱喻


      英中对照 §17 债半钱喻(17) a debt of half a cent 往有商人,贷他半钱,久不得偿,即便往债。前有大河,雇他两钱,然后得渡。到彼往债,竟不得见。来还渡河,复雇两钱。once a merchant lent half a cent to a man who then took a long time repaying him. the merchant went to th

    • 英中对照 §24 种熬胡麻子喻(24) to cultivate the boiled sesame 昔有愚人,生食胡麻子,以为不美,熬而食之为美。便生念言:“不如熬而种之,后得美者。”once upon a time, a stupid man who, after eating the raw sesame, found it not as tasty as the boiled kind.

    • 磨大石喻


      英中对照 §43 磨大石喻(43) to grind a big stone 譬如有人,磨一大石,勤加功力,经历日月,作小戏牛。用功既重,所期甚轻。once there was a man who ground a big stone with great effort. he made a small toy bull out of it after days and months of lab

    • 英中对照 §23 贼偷锦绣用裹氀褐喻(23) the thief steals embroidered satin to wrap up worn clothes and rags 昔有贼人,入富家舍,偷得锦绣,即持用裹故弊氀褐种种财物,为智人所笑。once upon a time there was a thief who sneaked into a rich man's house to s

    • 英中对照 §32 估客偷金喻(32) a trader steals gold 昔有二估客,共行商贾:一卖真金,其第二者卖兜罗棉。有他买真金者,烧而试之。第二估客即便偷他被烧之金,用兜罗棉裹。时金热故,烧棉都尽。once upon a time, two traders ran some business together. one was a seller of genuine gold, wh

    • 偷犛牛喻


      英中对照 §46 偷犛牛喻(46) to steal the yak 譬如一村,共偷犛牛,而共食之。其失牛者,逐迹至村,唤此村人,问其由状,而语之言:“在尔此村不?”once there was a village whose people jointly participated in stealing a yak for food. the man who lost the yak follo

    • 英中对照 §44 欲食半饼喻(44) eating half a pancake 譬如有人,因其饥故,食七枚煎饼。食六枚半已,便得饱满。其人嗔恚,以手自打,而作是言:“我今饱足,由此半饼。然前六饼,唐自捐弃,设知半饼能充足者,应先食之。”once there was a man who felt hungry and longed to eat seven pancakes. he was alr

    • 英中对照 §42 估客驼死喻(42) the trader and the dead camel 譬如估客,游行商贾,会于路中,而驼卒死。驼上所载,多有珍宝、细软、上氎种种杂物。驼既死已,即剥其皮。商主舍行,坐二弟子而语之言:“好看驼皮,莫使湿烂。”once there was a trader who was traveling on business. it so happened that

    • 英中对照 §41 毗舍阇鬼喻(41) pisacah devils 昔有二毗舍阇鬼,共有一箧、一杖、一屐。二鬼共诤,各各欲得。二鬼纷纭,竟日不能使平。once upon a time, there were two pisacah devils who conjointly owned a suitcase, a stick and a pair of wooden shoes about whi

    • 治秃喻


      英中对照 §40 治秃喻(40) to cure baldness 昔有一人,头上无毛,冬则大寒,夏则患热,兼为蚊虻之所唼食。昼夜受恼,甚以为苦。有一医师,多诸方术。时彼秃人,往至其所,语其医言:“唯愿大师,为我治之。”once upon a time, there was a man who was completely bald. he felt very cold in winter and

    • 送美水喻


      英中对照 §34 送美水喻(34) to send pure spring water 昔有一聚落,去王城五由旬。村中有好美水,王敕村人,常使日日送其美水。村人疲苦,悉欲移避,远此村去。once upon a time, there was a village, which was located five yojanas away from the city and supplied pure

    • 英中对照 §38 饮木筩水喻(38) yelling at water 昔有一人,行来渴乏,见木筩中有清净流水,就而饮之。饮水已足,即便举手语木筩言:“我已饮竟,水莫复来。”once upon a time, there was a man who was tired and thirsty from traveling. he drank some fresh running water fro

    • 杀群牛喻


      英中对照 §37 杀群牛喻(37) to kill a herd of cattle 昔有一人,有二百五十头牛,常驱逐水草,随时喂食。时有一虎,啖食一牛。尔时牛主即作念言:“已失一牛,俱不全足,用是牛为!”once upon a time, there was a man who owned two hundred fifty cows. he often took them to the pas

    • 英中对照 §36 破五通仙眼喻(36) to blind an immortal 昔有一人,入山学道,得五通仙,天眼彻视,能见地中一切伏藏,种种珍宝。国王闻之,心大欢喜,便语臣曰:once upon a time, there was a man who went to the mountains to learn buddhist priesthood. he succeeded in beco

    • 宝箧镜喻


      英中对照 §35 宝箧镜喻(35) the mirror in a valuable case 昔有一人,贫穷困乏,多负人债,无以可偿,即便逃避。至空旷处,值箧,满中珍宝。有一明镜,著珍宝上,以盖覆之。贫人见已,心大欢喜,即便发之。见镜中人,便生惊怖,叉手语言:“我谓空箧,都无所有;不知有君在此箧中,莫见嗔也。”once upon a time there was a poor and weary
