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    • 英中对照 §39 见他人涂舍喻(39) house painting 昔有一人,往至他舍,见他屋舍墙壁涂治,其地平正,清净甚好。便问之言:“用何和涂,得如是好?”once upon a time, there was a man who went to another man's house, which had just been painted, and the floor made even

    • 奴守门喻


      英中对照 §45 奴守门喻(45) the slave guards the door 譬如有人,将欲远行,敕其奴言:“尔好守门,并看驴索。”once there was a man who was about to take a long trip. he gave orders to his slave and said, "keep a close watch over the door a

    • 英中对照 §33 斫树取果喻(33) hacking a tree down for fruit 昔有国王,有一好树,高广极大,常有好果,香而甜美。时有一人,来至王所。王与之言:“此之树上,将生美果,汝能食不?”once upon a time, there was a king who had a tremendously gigantic and beautiful tree. it alwa

    • 引言


      英中对照 §0 引言 0.prologue 闻如是:一时佛住王舍城,在鹊封竹园,与诸大比丘、菩萨摩诃萨及诸八部三万六千人俱。 thus have i heard. once upon a time sakyamuni, the enlightened one, was staying in a park called karanda bamboo grove, near rajagriha cit

    • 英中对照 §7 认人为兄喻(7) one reckons another man to be one's elder brother 昔有一人,形容端正,智慧具足,复多钱财,举世人间,无不称叹。时有愚人,见其如此,便言:“我兄。”所以尔者,彼有钱财,须者则用之,是故为兄。见其还债,言:“非我兄。”傍人语言:“汝是愚人,云何须财,名他为兄;及其债时,复言非兄?”once upon a time, t

    • 英中对照 §6 子死欲停置家中喻(6) the dead son is about to remain in the house 昔有愚人,养育七子。一子先死。时此愚人,见子既死,便欲停置于其家中,自欲弃去。旁人见已,而语之言:“生死道异,当速庄严,致于远处而殡葬之。云何得留,自欲弃去?”once upon a time there was a man who brought up seven b

    • 渴见水喻


      英中对照 §5 渴见水喻(5) getting thirsty on seeing water 过去有人,痴无智慧,极渴须水,见热时焰,谓为是水,即便逐走,至辛头河。既至河所,对视不饮。旁人语言:“汝患渴逐水,今至水所,何故不饮?”once there was a fellow desperately in need of water for his thirst. on seeing the b

    • 英中对照 §4 妇诈称死喻(4) the wife pretends to be dead 时有愚人,其妇端正,情甚爱重。妇无直信,后于中间共他交往,邪淫心盛,欲逐旁夫,舍离己婿。於是密语一老母言:“我去之后,汝可赍一死妇女尸,安著屋中。语我夫言,云我已死。”once upon a time there was a stupid man who loved very much his beauti

    • 英中对照 §2 愚人集牛乳喻(2) the stupid man stores up milk 昔有愚人,将会宾客,欲集牛乳,以拟供设,而作是念:“我今若预于日日中毂取牛乳,牛乳渐多,卒无安处,或复酢败。不如即就牛腹盛之,待临会时,当顿(上殻 下牛)取。”作是念已,便捉牸牛母子,各系异处。once upon a time there was a stupid man who was about t

    • 目录


      英中对照 百喻经尊者 僧伽斯那 撰 萧齐 天竺三藏 求那毗地 译one hundred fablestranslated by tetcheng liao 目录 contents §0 引言 0. prologue §1 愚人食盐喻 1. the stupid man takes salt §2 愚人集牛乳喻 2. the stupid man stores up milk §3 以梨打头破喻 3

    • 灌甘蔗喻


      英中对照 §16 灌甘蔗喻(16) water the sugar - cane 昔有二人,共种甘蔗,而作誓言:“种好者赏;其不好者,当重罚之。”时二人中,一者念言:“甘蔗极甜,若压取汁,还灌甘蔗树,甘美必甚,得胜于彼。”once upon a time two men who cultivated sugar-cane, pledged that the one who had a good h

    • 英中对照 §3 以梨打破头喻(3) the head is broken with pears 昔有愚人,头上无毛。时有一人,以梨打头,乃至二三,悉皆伤破。时此愚人,默然忍受,不知避去。旁人见之,而语之言:“何不避去?乃住受打,致使头破。”once upon a time there was a bald-headed man who was bit in his head by a few pe

    • 英中对照 §8 山羌偷官库衣喻(8) a rustic steals clothes from the palace treasury 过去之世,有一山羌,偷王库物而远逃走。尔时国王遣人四出推寻,捕得将至王边,王即责其所得衣处。山羌答言:“我衣乃是祖父之物。” 王遣著衣,实非山羌本所有故,不知著之,应在手者,著於脚上,应在腰者,返著头上。once upon a time there was a r

    • 英中对照 §9 叹父德行喻(9) the father's virtues are praised 昔时有人,于众人中,叹己父德,而作是言:“我父慈仁,不害不盗,直作实语,兼行布施。”once upon a time there was a man who praised his father's virtues before everybody. "my father is compassion

    • 三重楼喻


      英中对照 §10 三重楼喻(10) three - storied house 往昔之世,有富愚人,痴无所知。到余富家,见三重楼,高广严丽,轩敞疏朗,心生渴仰,即作是念:“我有财钱,不减于彼,云何顷来而不造作如是之楼?”once there was an ignorant rich man who, one day, went to another rich man's three-storied

    • 英中对照 §11 婆罗门杀子喻(11) the brahman kills his son 昔有婆罗门,自谓多知,于诸星术种种技艺无不明达。恃己如此,欲显其德,遂至他国,抱儿而哭!有人问婆罗门言:“汝何故哭?”once upon a time, there was a brahman who prided himself on his erudite knowledge of astrology

    • 英中对照 §12 煮黑石蜜浆喻(12) the boiled black rock - honey syrup 昔有愚人煮黑石蜜,有一富人来至其家。时此愚人便作是念:“我今当取黑石蜜浆,与此富人。”即著少水,用置火中,即于火上,以扇扇之,望得使冷。once upon a time, a man was boiling black rock-honey syrup, when a rich man

    • 英中对照 §13 说人喜嗔喻(13) commenting on someone's quick temper 过去有人,共多人众,坐于屋中,叹一外人德行极好,唯有二过:一者喜嗔,二者作事仓卒。once a group of people sat in a house commenting on someone as being of good virtue except for two faul

    • 英中对照 §15 医与王女药令卒长大喻(15) the physician gives medicine to the princess to made her grow up fast 昔有国王,产生一女,唤医语言:“为我与药,立使长大。”once upon a time there was a king who brought a daughter into the world. he sen

    • 英中对照 §1 愚人食盐喻(1) the stupid man takes salt 昔有愚人,至于他家,主人与食,嫌淡无味。主人闻已,更为益盐。既得盐美,便自念言:“所以美者,缘有盐故。少有尚尔,况复多也?” 愚人无智,便空食盐。食已口爽,返为其患。once upon a time there was a stupid man who went to another man's home. th
