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    • 比种田喻


      英中对照 §82 比种田喻(82) the cultivation of the land 昔有野人,来至田里,见好麦苗生长郁茂,问麦主言:“云何能令是麦茂好?”once upon a time, there was a peasant who went to another farmer's property to examine his wheat plants. he asked the o

    • 英中对照 偈颂 此论我所造,和合喜笑语。 多损正实说,观义应不应。 如似苦毒药,和合于石蜜。 药为破坏病,此论亦如是。 正法中戏笑,譬如彼狂药。 佛正法寂定,明照于世间。 如服吐下药,以酥润体中。 我今以此义,显发于寂定。 如阿伽陀药,树叶而裹之。 取药涂毒竟,树叶还弃之。 戏笑如叶裹,实义在其中。 智者取正义,戏笑便应弃。 尊者僧伽斯那造作痴花鬘竟。epilogueby the reverend

    • 搆驴乳喻


      英中对照 §77 搆驴乳喻(77) to milk a donkey 昔边国人,不识于驴,闻他说言,驴乳甚美,都无识者。尔时诸人,得一父驴,欲搆其乳,争共捉之。once upon a time, there was a group of frontiersmen who had never seen a monkey before. thus they could not identify it.

    • 英中对照 §78 与儿期早行喻(78) the son's trips 昔有一人,夜语儿言:“明当共汝至彼聚落,有所取索。”once upon a time, there was a man who told his son one night, "tomorrow i'll go with you to another tribe for some errands." 儿闻语已,至明清旦,竟不问

    • 英中对照 §79 为王负杌喻(79) carrying chairs for the king 昔有一王,欲入无忧园中欢娱受乐。敕一臣言:“汝捉一杌,持至彼园,我用坐息。”once upon a time, there was a king who wished to go to the garden named "free from care" for a good time. he order

    • 英中对照 §81 为熊所啮喻(81) getting bitten by a bear 昔有父子与伴共行,其子入林,为熊所啮,爪坏身体。困急出林,还至伴边。父见其子身体伤坏,怪问之言:“汝今何故,被此疮害?”once upon a time, there were a man and his son traveling together. the son got into the woods an

    • 猕猴喻


      英中对照 §83 猕猴喻(83) a female monkey 昔有一猕猴为大人所打,不能奈何,反怨小儿。once upon a time, a female monkey was beaten by a full-grown person. the animal had no other alternative than gave vent to its anger later on a sm

    • 英中对照 §84 月蚀打狗喻(84) dogs were beaten when the lunar eclipse happened 昔阿修罗王见日月明净,以手障之。无智常人,狗无罪咎,横加于恶。once upon a time, there was a king of asuras who covered the moon with his hands when he thought it t

    • 英中对照 §85 妇女患眼痛喻(85) the woman who had sore eyes 昔有一女人,极患眼痛。有知识女人问言:“汝眼痛耶?”答言:“眼痛。”彼女复言:“有眼必痛。我虽未痛,并欲挑眼,恐其后痛。”once upon a time, there was a woman who had a bad case of sore eyes. another woman told her

    • 英中对照 §86 父取儿耳珰喻(86) the father and his son's earrings 昔有父子二人,缘事共行,路贼卒起,欲来剥之。其儿耳中有真金珰,其父见贼卒发,畏失耳珰,即便以手挽之,耳不时决。为耳珰故,便斩儿头。须臾之间,贼便弃去,还以儿头著於身上,不可平复。once upon a time, there were a man and his son taking a b

    • 英中对照 §87 劫盗分财喻(87) the robber's joy 昔有群贼,共行劫盗,多取财物,即共分之。等以为分,唯有鹿野钦婆罗,色不纯好,以为下分,与最劣者。下劣者得之恚恨,谓呼大失。once upon a time, there was a band of robbers who divided their boot according to their different ranks

    • 二鸽喻


      英中对照 §95 二鸽喻(95) a dove 昔有雌雄二鸽共同一巢,秋果熟时,取果满巢。于其后时,果干减少,唯半巢在。雄嗔雌曰:“取果勤苦,汝独食之,唯有半在。”once upon a time, there were two doves, male and female, which lived together in a nest. they filled their nest with f

    • 英中对照 §98 小儿得大龟喻(98) a boy caught a big turtle 昔有一小儿,陆地游戏,得一大龟,意欲杀之,不知方便,而问人言:“云何得杀?”有人语言:“汝但掷置水中,即时可杀。”once upon a time, there was a boy who was playing on dry land and caught a big turtle. he intende

    • 倒灌喻


      英中对照 §80 倒灌喻(80) to take an enema 昔有一人患下部病,医言:“当须倒灌,乃可瘥耳。”便集灌具,欲以灌之。医未至顷,便取服之,腹胀欲死,不能自胜。医既来至,怪其所以,即便问之:“何故如是?”即答医言:“向时灌药,我取服之,是故欲死。”once upon a time, there was a man who had a pain in his rear. the do

    • 英中对照 §88 猕猴把豆喻(88) the female monkey and a handful of beans 昔有一猕猴持一把豆,误落一豆在地,便舍手中豆,欲觅其一。未得一豆,先所舍者,鸡鸭食尽。once upon a time, there was a female monkey holding a handful of beans. after dropping to the gro

    • 英中对照 §96 诈称眼盲喻(96) pretending to be blind 昔有工匠师为王作务,不堪其苦,诈言眼盲,便得脱苦。once upon a time, there was a trained craftsman who worked for the king. he could not bear the hardship and deceitfully said he was b

    • 英中对照 §97 为恶贼所劫失氎喻(97) the woollen coat was robbed by the wicked thief 昔有二人为伴,共行旷野。一人被一领氎,中路为贼所剥,一人逃避,走入草中。其失氎者先于氎头裹一金钱,便语贼言:“此衣适可直一枚金钱,我今求以一枚金钱而用赎之。”once upon a time, two friends were walking in the w

    • 英中对照 §94 摩尼水窦喻(94) the mani and the sewer 昔有一人,与他妇通,交通未竟,夫从外来,即便觉之。住于门外,伺其出时,便欲杀害。妇语人言,“我夫已觉,更无出处,唯有摩尼,可以得出。”胡以水窦名为“摩尼”,欲令其人,从水窦出。once upon a time, there was a man who was having an affair with a marr

    • 英中对照 §93 老母捉熊喻(93) the old woman caught a bear 昔有一老母,在树下卧。熊欲来搏,尔时老母,绕树走避,熊寻后逐,一手抱树,欲捉老母。老母得急,即时合树,捺熊两手,熊不得动。更有异人来至其所,老母语言:“汝共我捉,杀分其肉。”once upon a time, there was an old woman who was resting under a t

    • 英中对照 §92 小儿得欢喜丸喻(92) the child gets happy pills 昔有一乳母,抱儿涉路,行道疲极,睡眠不觉。时有一人,持欢喜丸,授与小儿。小儿得已,贪其美味,不顾身物。此人即时解其钳锁、璎珞、衣物,都尽持去。once upon a time, a wet nurse was walking along the road with a child in her arms

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