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    • 英中对照 1As we slowly drove down the street on that cold December evening we spotted the porch light. "This must be the house." I told our "Positive Teens In Action" group. We pulled

    • 英中对照 1I Paid For A Young Woman's Groceries我为一个女孩买了杂货I was in line at Trader Joe's and the young woman in front of me had her card declined, she embarrassedly handed the cashier another card, which was

    • 英中对照 1What If Dogs Think We Are Immortal?如果在狗狗眼里,人类是不老的神会怎么样?Someone posted that concept on Tumblr, and the responses that came in brought tears to my eyes.有人把这个想法分享在Tumblr上,让我感动不已。"They live so

    • 英中对照 同情心:学会理解别人的痛苦和挣扎We've all heard the quote, 'Be Kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle.'我们都听过这句话:“要善良,因为你遇到的每个人都在经历某种痛苦。”My husband and son died within two years of each

    • 英中对照 在《80岁的自己给出的建议》一书中,艺术家苏珊-奥马利让7岁到88岁的普通人给未来(或者过去)的自己一些指导性建议。在这个项目结束后不久,奥马利就不幸离世。她曾经说过,书中每个人的回答令人信服,因为这让她想到“我们每个人在生活中寻找的都是相似的东西:意义,安全感,幸福,归属感,爱”。以下是摘选的其中一些深刻又积极向上的回答。 This is a good mome

    • 英中对照 懂得感恩的人会做这10件事1. Journal.1.记日记。Research has shown that writing down what you're thankful for can lead to a multitude of wellness benefits. In order to reap the full benefits of journaling, Emmons,

    • 英中对照 Do You Know Your Perception?你知道你的知觉吗?Perception is a subjective experience. As we know, everyone has different feeling about the same thing, like the same expression show in the video, but it cre

    • 英中对照 We all know that Britain and the US are two countries connected by a common language. But in fact, the differences are more fun to observe, as BBC did in a recent story called 8 Situations When B

    • 英中对照 keep your dark side from running your life 太阳和黑暗云雾共存的心灵“dwelling on the negative simply contributes to its power.”沉缅于消极事物,只会增强消极的力量。every light has darkness to balance it out.有光明的地方,必

    • 英中对照 女人之美,不在其华衣锦裳,不在其婀娜身姿,也不在其挽髻之法。是她给予的关怀,是她展现的激情,女人之美,日久弥增。the beauty of a woman 女人之美the beauty of a woman,isn't in the clothes she wears, the figure that she carries, or the way she combs her hair.

    • 英中对照 you, yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe, deserve your love and affection.你自己,比全世界的其他人,更值得你的关爱和喜欢。prepare “soul vows.” these vows were deepest commitment to love, cher

    • 英中对照 1. It’s also very helpful to realize that this very body that we have, with its aches and its pleasures,is exactly what we need to be fully human.1. 如果能意识到正是我们现在可疼痛可欢愉的身体,让我们成为了完整的人,那是很有用的。

    • 英中对照 Repeat after me: “I promise…”请跟着我说:“我愿意......” “I will accept everything I am, and everything I am not.”“我愿意接受全部的自己,无论好坏。” Self-worth comes

    • 英中对照 how to fall in love with yourself如何爱上你自己? we are constantly bombarded with visions of how we are not good enough or how we need to improve ourselves. and it’s not only external things that

    • 英中对照 人生最不幸的事情并不是失去,而是你一直拥有却从来没有意识到过,甚至等到失去的时候才意识到,却已晚了。人生最无奈的事不是得不到,而是你对自己拥有的不满足。看完这篇美文,知足的活着吧,犹如这是人间乐土。heaven on earth 人间乐土 中英对照:if you woke pup this morning with more health than illness…&hel

    • 英中对照 33年的前的那个夏季,每天我们混迹在各色人中等待公车的到来。一大清早我们就从郊区开始坐车,我们把衣领高竖到耳朵上,懒洋洋的坐在那,一群沉闷的,没有言语的人。We were a very motley crowd of people who took the bus every day that summer 33 years ago. During the early morning r

    • 英中对照 the paradox of our time in history is that we have taller buildings, but shorter tempers; wider freeways, but narrower viewpoints; we spend more, but have less; we buy more but enjoy less.我们这个时代在

    • 英中对照 我们曾经讲过一个故事叫“东施效颦”。故事里有个美女叫西施,长得非常美,以致于人们在形容美丽的景色的时候,都拿她来做比喻。这次呱呱要带大家去的地方就是和西施一样美的西湖。西湖又叫西子湖。it is located in the west part of hangzhou, zhejiang province. 对于西湖之美,人们有很多种比喻。some one thi

    • 英中对照 改进自己的心态Attitude ImprovementWant to be more effective this year? Start by considering these tips:想今年的效率更高吗?那么,请在新的一年来临之际,考虑使用以下技巧:(success principle number 1: How you think is everything: Always b

    • 英中对照 I will live this day as if it is my last.假如今天是我生命中的最后一天. The duties of today I shall fu1fill today. Today I shall fondle my children while they are young; tomorrow they will be gone, and so will

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