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    • 英中对照 a little boy asked his mother "why are you crying?" "because i'm a woman," she told him. "i don't understand," he said. his mum just hugged him and said, "and you never will" later the little boy

    • 英中对照 Many details and trifles in life appear to be neglected by us in a bustling urban life. Some people attribute it to the fickle ambience over the whole city. Some think that our passion has been i

    • 英中对照 i was the ugly one at school - the kid with the coke-bottle glasses, the spots, the braces. i got picked on all the time. i was treated not just as ugly, but as an idiot. instead of learning math

    • 英中对照 awareness. most often we do these social comparisons without realizing we’re doing it. it’s a natural act, i suppose, and as a result it’s something that is done without consciousness. so the sol

    • 为你骄傲


      英中对照 forty-three years seems like a long time to remember the name of a mere acquaintance. i have forgotten the name of an old lady, who was a customer on the paper route in my home town when i was a

    • 英中对照 color our world with words用颜色词把生活天地点缀得五彩缤纷林丽芳claude monet, the french, cried, “color is my day-long obsession, joy and torment.” swiss artist paul klee wrote, “color possesses me.” monet and klee

    • 英中对照 本文选自美国作家jim willis的畅销书《pieces of my heart-----writings inspired by animals and nature》,以自述的形式讲述了一只家犬对昔日主人的真情告白。当年作者用七千美元以全版广告的形式在报纸上刊登了该文章,以一篇文章感动了所有的读者。when i was a puppy, i entertained you with

    • 英中对照 对待犯下错误的人,惩罚并非唯一的解决之道。一个微笑也有让年轻人改过自新的神奇力量。—by dewolfei will never forget the smile and the look of a young man’s face on the train.one day i took the train home. there was an empty seat facing a y

    • 英中对照 how many times have you heard the expression that most people spend more time planning their vacation than they do planning their lives. i would expand that expression by adding that most people

    • 英中对照 if you want your life to stand for peace and kindness, it' s helpful to do kind, peaceful things. one of my favorite ways to do this is by developing my own helping rituals. these little acts of

    • 英中对照 在日常的生活琐事中"我"看到了一颗善良真诚的"珍珠",她让我打破思维定式,跳出自己设定的框架,学会放慢生活的节奏,轻松生活。你的生活中有这样闪光的"珍珠"么?—by cabbagei get my hair cut about twice a year, so making an appointment is a big deal for me. the woman who cuts m

    • 英中对照 life isn't a competition全世界最感人的家信!摘自李阳疯狂英语。生命不是一场竞赛life isn't a competition 一位伟大而又平凡的父亲,一封情真意切的信。父亲的忠告,送给他三岁大的爱子,同时也启示所有人:人生是一段美妙的旅程,虽然会有阴雨,重要的是学会爱,学会享受生活,从而快乐一生。亲爱的塞斯,dear seth,[1] 你现在仅仅3岁,此刻你还不

    • 英中对照 The pure.the bright,the beautiful,一切纯洁的,辉煌的,美丽的,That stirred our hearts in youth,强烈地震撼着我们年轻的心灵的,The impulses to wordless prayer,推动着我们做无言的祷告的,The dreams of love and truth;让我们梦想着爱与真理的;The longing a

    • 英中对照 Shifting Focus Takes WorkIt’s not easy, it takes work and time. I used to rely heavily on my cravings to guide me. Many of them were long-term and get applauded in our society as being ambitious

    • 英中对照 导语:泰勒不愿屈服于致命的疾病。我们都惊叹生命带给他那纯朴的欢乐和赋予他的活力。泰勒的妈妈经常逗他说,他跑得那么快,得给他穿件红衣服,这样才能一眼发现他。泰勒病逝前几天,招呼我到他病床前,低声对我说:“我可能就要死了,我不害怕。我死时请给我穿上红色的衣服。妈妈答应我她也会来天堂的,她来的时候我会在玩,我得保证她能找到我。”in my dual profession as an educa

    • 英中对照 i’ve learned… that everyone you meet deserves to be greeted with a smile.我明白了…你遇到的所有的人都应该给他们一个微笑。 i’ve learned… that there’s nothing sweeter than sleeping with your babies and feeling their breat

    • 英中对照 if your life feels like it is lacking the power that you want and the motivation that you need, sometimes all you have to do is shift your point of view.如果你觉得心有余力不足,觉得缺乏前进的动力,有时候你只需要改变思维的角度。by tr

    • 英中对照 什么是富有?也许它直接与我们自己的心灵有关,而与一切世俗的、物质的东西没有什么必然的联系。富有是一种感觉,只拥有一套茶具的人也可以是富有的吧,至少它们是相配的一套。—by mariontwo children in ragged1 coats knocked on my door. "any old papers, lady?"i was busy. i wanted to say no

    • 英中对照 原来很大的道理不一定需要很难的语言去解释,本文简单地一问一答告诉我们,当身边的人离去时,他们其实活在我们的心里;告诉我们,生命原本是一个无所谓开始更无所谓结束的圆圈;告诉我们,每一段生命的结束都意味着新生命的开始。只要心中还有爱,有思念,我们就可以笑对生死,珍惜人生。——题记the man was very sad. he knew that the cat’s days were nu

    • 英中对照 honesty 诚实是最棒的礼物约翰·休斯 i believe honesty is one of the greatest gifts there is. i know they call it a lot of fancy names these days, like integrity and forthrightness. but it doesn't make any diff
