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    • 英中对照 february 6,1939 my sweet girls, i wish so that you were here with us.thenext time we must surely bring you along,soremember to practice your manners and learn to eatall sorts of food.paris is ful

    • 英中对照 august 27,1929 frances darling, i've been reading your letter over all day,it's so dear,even the part that worried me.i imagine that tomorrow morning's mail will tell me what has happened and whe

    • 英中对照 princeton 7th january1962,sunday my dear: i have been thinking about our conversation oflast night,and i hope you have too. 1962,in some ways,is wylie o'hara's year ofdecision.some of the decisio

    • 英中对照 ------------------------------------- 我亲爱的: 好了,我们到了——但不是到这儿。你在圣·蒂姆斯,西斯特在普林斯顿,而我在奎基,对你来说崭新的一年又开始了。对于我,也是如此。我似乎总是带着一种春天在大多数人身上所激发的心情走近秋季。新生事物给人们带来的兴奋;新剧目、新书、新服装,等等,等等,等等。同时,秋天对于我

    • 英中对照 princeton 1963,sunday my dear: you left this cheque on the table in the livingroom.you will recall that as soon as you asked foryour allowance,i went to my study and wrote outthe cheque and broug

    • 英中对照 april5,1943 darling: you should see me sorting the mail at Ⅱ and 4;i stand in front of an enormous box with about twenty sub-divisions,and flip the letters in,just as if i were hitting a ping-pon

    • 英中对照 january 1963 dear mother: i do hope you're feeling a lot better now.school's started again for us and i'm mainly tryingto finish crime and punishment before the end ofthe term.it was a great plea

    • 英中对照 beta theta pi house ohio state university columbus,ohio 26 april 1922 dearest mum: i am hoping this will arrive on april 27 togreet you on your 42nd wedding anniversary,but iam a little late

    • 英中对照 barcelona friday, 23 october, 1908 my dear parents, i have just been asked to participate in the gala concert that will be given on monday eveninginhonor of the king and queen. ihave accepte

    • 英中对照 15 february 1869, ohio livy,darling, how are you this morning?forit is morning,i guess,inasmuch as it is only halfpast 9,&i have not got up yet.i only awoke a little while ago,&naturally thought

    • 英中对照 亲爱的姐姐: 我已收到你6月17日的来信。我很诧异,自我到英格兰后你再也没有收到我的任何信。我至少给你写过两封,而且在这封信之前还有第三封,紧接着在去看了你之后,我又给你寄去了我的照片。六月份我给本尼寄去了一箱书,还给他写了一封信;我希望他悉数收到,并希望他工作有长进。祝贺你征服了布里敦角,希望正如你的人民第一次通过祈祷得到了它一样,现在你们将祈祷它永远再也不会被丢弃,然后忘却

    • 英中对照 prince town new jersey aug.28 th,1774 my dr.: i received your kind letter,at new york,and it is not easy for you to imagine the pleasure it has given me.i have not found a single opportunity

    • 英中对照 我亲爱的: 在纽约收到了你亲切的来信,你想象不出它给我带来的快乐。自离开波士顿我还没有找到哪怕一次给你写信的机会,虽然信可以通过邮寄,但我没有选择那种传递方式给你写信,因害怕恶作剧。不过,由于我俩同距费城不超过42英里,我希望在那儿找个人私下为我们传递这封信。 我们旅程的细节必须搁到我回来后再告诉你,因为整个旅行经历可以写成一本书。总的来说,那是一次令人愉快的游览。我们有机会看

    • 英中对照 braintree august19 1774 the great distance between us,makes thetime appear very long to me.it seems already amonth since you left me.the great anxiety i feelfor my country,for you and for ou

    • 英中对照 你我相隔甚远,使得时间于我显得那么漫长。自你离开我似乎已有一个月了。我为我的祖国、为你、为我们的家庭甚感忧虑,这使我白天过得沉闷,夜晚过得不愉快。礁石和流沙到处都是。你能够或将要对未来采取什么样的方针路线完全还不得而知。变化无常和期望令人思绪万千。一旦受到侵略,有哪个王国或政府没有流血就重新获得了自由呢?一想到这我就不寒而栗。 然而,就我们所知,斯巴达的一切不幸缘于他们太渴望现

    • 英中对照 paris,august10,1787 dear peter,——i have received your twoletters of december the 30th and april the 18th,and am very happy to find by them,as well as byletters from mr.wythe,that you have be

    • 英中对照 亲爱的彼得,我已收到你12月30日和4月18日的两封来信。从你和威思先生的来信中,我高兴地发现你很幸运地引起了威思先生的注意并获得了他的好感;我相信你会发现这是你生活中最幸运的事情,正如我的直觉告诉我的,那也是我的最幸运的事情。我附上一份学科概要,希望你按威思先生的建议去申请这些学科。我也提到这些学科中值得一读的书,当然以威思先生的指正为准。其中许多书都在你父亲的藏书中,可能你

    • 英中对照 I have not sufficient reasoning faculty to settlethe doctrine of thrift——as it is consistent with the dignity of human Society——with the happiness of Cottagers——all I can do is by plump cont

    • 英中对照 dumfries, july 2 nd 1818 my dear fanny, i intended to have written you from kirkcudbright,the town i shall be in tomorrow——but iwill write now because my knapsack has worn mycoat in the seam

    • 英中对照 我亲爱的范尼: 我原打算明天到达刻古布立时再给你写信,但现在我就写了,因为背包把我衣服的接缝处磨破了,我已把它送到裁缝店去缝补,所以现在身上只穿着一件衣服了。有必要告诉你,我是和乔治、新结识的一位修女以及整个夏季与秋季与我同行的一位绅士一起去利物浦的。——旅程还比较愉快——我于次日早晨离开利物浦前往兰卡斯特,乔治随后也动身前来。随后我们又从兰卡斯特出发,肩上背着我们的行囊,沿着
