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    • 英中对照When National Day comes, I Feel so excited, it is not because I will have a vacation, but also I have many plans.当国庆节到来的时候,我感到很高兴,不仅仅是因为我将要有一个假期,而且我有很多计划。I have made some plans for the vacation, I

    • 英中对照When computer came into being, it developed so fast and its functions are various.当电脑出现以后,它发展很快,功能也多样。Computer brings people convenience, people count on them to do their work.电脑给人们带来了方便,人们依赖电脑来做工

    • 英中对照Beijing Olympic Games gives the world so many surprises, we show our new image to the world. 北京奥运会给世界带来了很多惊喜,我们向世界展示了我们的新形象。Many Chinese heroes fought for the right to hold the Olympic Games, fina

    • 英中对照In recent years, my hometown has changed greatly, because of new road and railway has been built.最近几年,由于建成新的公路和铁路,我的家乡发生了很大的变化。Previously, my hometown was closed to the outside world. Several year

    • 英中对照Since we go to school, we have to learn English, English has been one of the main subjects.自从我们上学起,就要学习英语,英语已经成为了一门主要的科目。Most students learn English for the purpose of getting high scores in the p

    • 英中对照During the summer holiday, I spent much time in reading.暑假期间,我花了很多时间在阅读上。I finished one of the four masterpieces ofChina, Journey to the West.我读完了中国四大名著之一—《西游记》。It’s really an interest

    • 英中对照Dear Jerry:亲爱的珍莉:Hello! My best friend, we have not seen for a few weeks.你好!我最好的朋友,我们已经好几个星期没见过面了。A few days ago, I held a party in my house.前几天,我在家里举行个一次聚会。There were a lot of friends coming to t

    • 英中对照This July, I graduated from primary school. I was enrolled to a good middle school.这个七月,我从小学毕业了。我被一所优秀的中学录取了。Therefore, I had a happy and leisure summer holiday.因此,我度过了一个开心闲暇的暑假。In the middle of J

    • 英中对照Smoking is a bad habit that does harm to smoker and others.吸烟是个坏习惯,它对吸烟者和别人都有害。Many kinds of diseases and cancers are caused by smoking, such as tracheitis, lung cancer and many other diseases.很多疾

    • 英中对照People usually say father is quiet and strict, but my father is totally not. He is easygoing.人们常说,父亲是安静严厉的,但是我的爸爸完全不是这样,他很随和。I have a good relationship with my father and we are good friends to ea

    • 英中对照Dear Jack:亲爱的杰克:Hello! Are you busy recently?你好!最近忙吗?I have a good piece of news to tell you.我有一则消息要告诉你。Next Sunday, I will travel around the countryside with my parents.下周六,我和我父母到乡下旅行。We will liv

    • 英中对照Mid-autumn Festival is a popular and important lunar harvest festival celebrated by Chinese people.中秋节是中国人庆祝丰收的重要的农历节日,很受欢迎。The festival is held on the 15thday of the eighth month in the Chinese c

    • 英中对照Dear Frank:亲爱的富兰克:How things going on?最近怎么样了?I was worried when I heard from TV that you were recently involved in a car accident.从电视上得知你最近发生了车祸,我很担心你。What a relief you were not hurt.欣慰的是你没有受伤。You

    • 英中对照Now, I am a middle school student in grade nine.现在,我是一名初三年级的中学生。It’s also the last year of middle school.这也是初中的最后一个学期。Therefore, I must work harder this year because I want to get good score

    • 英中对照Dear Miss Zhang, September 3, 2012尊敬的张老师:I am sorry that I can’t go to school tomorrow, because I got a bad cold the day before yesterday.我很抱歉我明天不能去学校了,因为我前天感冒了。This morning, I had high feve

    • 英中对照Nowadays, most people have their idols.现在,大部分的人都有自己的偶像。Their idols may be singers, actors, athletes and so on.他们的偶像可能是歌手,演员以及运动员等等。People can get or learn something from their idols.人们可以从他们的偶像那里得到

    • 英中对照Nowadays, there are many people dying because of traffic accidents.现在,很多人死于交通事故。Road safety has aroused much attention.道路安全已经引起了很大关注。Many rules are made to reduce this kind of accidents, but they

    • 英中对照In our country, when we go to middle school, we must attend to the military training.在我国,当我们去上初中的时候,我们必须参加军训。Most students are afraid of it, because the training often happens in hot summer.大部分的学生

    • 英中对照Tomorrow is Teachers’ Day and I can’t help thinking of my teachers.明天是教师节,我不禁想起了我的老师们。They do the great job in the world. They not only teach us knowledge and skills.他们做着世界上最伟大的工作。The

    • 英中对照As a middle school student, my study burden is heavier than before.作为一名初中生,我的学习负担比以前更重了。Therefore, I must make a good plan for my study to make the effort effective and set sometime aside for play
