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    • 英中对照 EAST INDIA was besieged by an enemy who would not retire untilhe had received six hundred dollars. Then the townsfolk causedit to be proclaimed by beat of drum that whosoever was able toprocure t

    • 英中对照 in the days when wishing was still of some use, a king's son wasbewitched by an old witch, and shut up in an iron stove in a forest.there he passed many years, and no one could deliver him. then

    • 英中对照 n a certain village there once lived a man and his wife, andthe wife was so idle that she would never work at anything;whatever her husband gave her to spin, she did not get done,and what she did

    • 英中对照 There was once a poor man who had four sons, and when they were grown up, he said to them, "My dear children, you must now go out into the world, for I have nothing to give you, so set out, and g

    • 英中对照 there was once a woman who had three daughters, the eldest of whomwas called one-eye, because she had only one eye in the middle of herforehead, and the second, two-eyes, because she had two eyes

    • 英中对照 THERE was once on a time a King who had a great forest nearhis palace, full of all kinds of wild animals. One day he sentout a huntsman to shoot him a roe, but he did not come back."Perhaps some

    • 英中对照 A peasant had a faithful horse which had grown old and coulddo no more work, so his master would no longer give himanything to eat and said, "I can certainly make no more useof thee, but still I

    • 英中对照 THERE was once upon a time a King who had twelve daughters, each onemore beautiful than the other. They all slept together in onechamber, in which their beds stood side by side, and every night w

    • 英中对照 IN former times there lived an aged Queen who was a sorceress, and herdaughter was the most beautiful maiden under the sun. The old woman,however, had no other thought than how to lure mankind to

    • 英中对照 a woman was going about the unenclosed land with her daughter and her step-daughter cutting fodder, when the lord came walking towards them in the form of a poor man, and asked, "which is the way

    • 英中对照 "good-day, father hollenthe." "many thanks, pif-paf-poltrie." "may ibe allowed to have your daughter?" "oh, yes, if mother malcho(milch-cow), brother high-and-mighty, sister k剆etraut, and fairkat

    • 英中对照 There was once a man who had three sons, and nothing else in theworld but the house in which he lived. Now each of the sons wishedto have the house after his father's death; but the father loved

    • 英中对照 There was once a young shepherd who wished much to marry,and was acquainted with three sisters who were all equally pretty,so that it was difficult to him to make a choice, and he could not decid

    • 英中对照 Let no one ever say that a poor tailor cannot do great thingsand win high honors; all that is needed is that he should go tothe right smithy, and what is of most consequence, that heshould have g

    • 英中对照 How fortunate is the master, and how well all goes in his house, when he has a wise servant who listens to his orders and does not obey them, but prefers following his own wisdom. A clever John o

    • 英中对照 there was once a poor widow who lived in a lonely cottage. infront of the cottage was a garden wherein stood two rose-trees,one of which bore white and the other red roses. she had twochildren wh

    • 英中对照 Three women were changed into flowers which grew in the field, but one of them was allowed to be in her own home at night. Then once when day was drawing near, and she was forced to go back to he

    • 英中对照 I will tell you something. I saw two roasted fowls flying; they flew quickly and had their breasts turned to heaven and their backs to hell, and an anvil and a mill-stone swam across the Rhine pr

    • 英中对照 In the time of Schlauraffen I went there, and saw Rome and theLateran hanging by a small silken thread, and a man without feet who outran a swift horse, and a keen sharp sword that cut through a

    • Odds And Ends


      英中对照 There was once on a time a maiden who was pretty, but idle and negligent. When she had to spin she was so out of temper that if there was a little knot in the flax, sheat once pulled out a whole
