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    • 英中对照 DO YOUR BEST“You’ve got to do better than this•” “I’m doing the best I can•”“You’ve got to work harder than this.”“Irm workin

    • 英中对照 THE WIND风Who has seen the wind?有谁见过风?Neither I nor you.你我都没见。But when the leaves hang trembling,但见树叶打哆嗦,The wind is passing through.便知风儿穿期间。Who has seen the wind?有谁见过风?Neither you nor I.你我都没见。But

    • 英中对照 SPRING RAIN春雨Rain,rain,rain,April rain,雨呀雨,四月的雨,You are feeding seed and grain,你晶莹的雨滴闪闪发亮,You are raising plants and crops你用它把种籽和谷粒润育,With your gaily sparkling drops,你用它把庄稼和万物滋养。In the sun glitte

    • 英中对照 THE MONTHS月份Thirty days have September,四、六、九月、十一月April, June, and November,都有三十日和夜,All the rest have thirty一one其余各月多一天Excepting February alone,只有二月不一般,Which has eight days and a score二十八天平常年Till

    • 英中对照 Moon月亮O, look at the moon!啊,看看那月亮!She is shining up there,她在天边闪银光,O, Mother, she looks妈呀,看她那模样,Like a lamp in the air.好象明灯挂天上,Last week she was smaller上周她比这周小,And shaped like a bow,好象弓儿弯又弯,But no

    • 英中对照 A ROSE IS PINK玫瑰花是粉红色的What is pink? A rose is pink什么是粉红色的?玫瑰花,By the fountain’s brink.喷泉边的玫瑰花。What is blue? The sky is blue什么蓝?天空蓝,Where the clouds float thro’.飘着白云的蓝天。What is white?

    • 英中对照 COME OUT AND PLAY出来做游戏Girls and boys,男女孩子们,Come out and play,出来做游戏,The moon does shine as bright as day.月光明亮好天气。Come with a hoop,边跑边呐喊,Come with a call,边跑边呼唤,Come with a good will or not at all.痛

    • 英中对照 A HOLIDAY假日Put by your books and slates today!六月天阳光多么灿烂,This is the sunny month of June,放下你们的写字板和课本,And we shall go this afternoon今天下午我们要翻山越岭,Over the hills and far away.到遥远的地方去旅行。Hurrahl Wef 11

    • 英中对照 "I'LL TRY AND I CAN'T"“尽力干”和“我不行”The little boy who says “I'll try,”说“尽力干”的小朋友,Will climb to the hill-top.能攀上山头。The little boy who says &

    • 英中对照 WINTER SONG冬天的歌Hurrah for the jolly old winter,让我们把快活的冬天老人颂赞,Who shouts at the door by night,他夜里在门外大声呼唤:“Come out where the ice is gleaming, Like steel in the cold moonlight,”“出

    • 英中对照 LULLABY摇篮曲In a shed there is an ox棚里关着一条牛,Round the shed there walks a fox.棚外狐狸直转游。On the door he sees a lock,他见门上挂着锁,He cannot enter一what a shock!唉,进不去一真恼火!Fox is hungry;fox is cross,狐狸饿来狐狸气,Fox

    • 英中对照 THE COMING OF SPRING春来了I am coming,little maiden,我来了,小姑娘,With the pleasant sunshine laden,迷人春光洒地上,With the honey for the bee,蜜蜂嗡嗡酿蜜忙,W ith the blossom for the tree.树儿披上花衣裳。Every little stream is

    • 英中对照 NOW THE DAY IS OVER白昼已消逝Now the day is over,白昼巳消逝,Night is drawing nigh,黑夜正来临,Shadows of the evening苍茫的暮色,Steal across the sky. 悄悄溜过夭庭。 只看中文白昼已消逝白昼巳消逝,黑夜正来临,苍茫的暮色,悄悄溜过夭庭。 只看英文NOW THE DAY IS OVERN

    • 英中对照 MY BOOK我的书I will not spoil this little book,我决不损坏这本小书,Nor drop it on the floor.也不会让它落到地上。I will not turn its corners down,我决不会把书角折皱,To spoil more and more.把它弄得来不成模样。My book's a little friend to m

    • 英中对照 I TRY努力I try to do my best each day,不论做功课还是做游戏,In my work and in my play;每天我都尽到最大努力;And if I always do my best,如果我一贯努力,I need not care about the test. 就不必为考试忧虑。 只看中文努力不论做功课还是做游戏,每天我都尽到最大努力;如果我一贯努

    • 英中对照 PUSSY-CAT小猫咪Pussy一Cat, Pussy一Cat,小猫咪,猫咪乖,Can you catch me that big rat?去把那只大老鼠逮。It is sitting by the ham,它就藏在果酱后,Just behind the apple一jam.靠近那块火腿肉。Pussy一Cat, Pussy一Cat,小猫咪,猫咪乖,That fat rat is ver

    • 英中对照 LITTLE GREY MOUSE小灰鼠GIRL .Little grey mouse,小姑娘:小灰鼠,我问你, Where is your house? 你的家,在哪里?MOUSE.I can show you my flat,小灰鼠:带你去看也可以, If you don't tell the cat, 但对猫儿要保密。 My flat has no door, 我的房间没有门, I

    • 英中对照 IN MAY五月里When it is May我在五月里I like to run爱到户外去Out in the sun!阳光下面跑!It is such fun户外做游戏To play and run阳光下面跑Out in the sun! 这样多有趣! 只看中文五月里我在五月里爱到户外去阳光下面跑!户外做游戏阳光下面跑这样多有趣! 只看英文IN MAYWhen it is MayI

    • 英中对照 TRY AGAIN再试试看This is a lesson you should heed,这点切切要留意:Try, try, try again,尝试尝试再尝试,If at first you don't succeed,假如开初未成功,try, try,try again.千万别忘再尝试。Then your courage should appear,这样你就有勇气,For if y

    • 英中对照 THE COUNTRY AND THE CITY乡下和城里Some people live in the country有人住乡下,Where the houses are very small,乡下住房小又小;Some people live in the city有人住城里,Where the houses are very tall.城里住房高又高.But in the count

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