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    • 英中对照 中国二十四孝经典民间故事09:Carve Wood for Worshipping Parents 刻木事亲:丁兰 According to the legend, Ding Lan was a man of Henei (today's Anyang, Henan) in the East Han Dynasty. 丁兰,相传为东汉时期河内(今河南黄河北)人Both his paren

    • 英中对照 中国二十四孝经典民间故事21:Wrestling With A Tiger To Save His Father: Yang Xiang 扼虎救父:杨香In the time of the Jin Dynasty, a boy of fourteen years, named Yang Xiang used to follow his father to work in the fiel

    • 英中对照 中国二十四孝经典民间故事20:Tears That Brought Bamboo-shoots From the Frozen Earth: Meng Zong 哭竹生笋:孟宗Meng Zong lived during the Three Kingdoms Period of China's past. His father died when he was young, and he

    • 英中对照 中国二十四孝经典民间故事19:Attracting Mosquitoes To Drink His Blood: Wu Meng 恣蚊饱血:吴猛In the Jin Dynasty, a filial eight-year-old boy named Wu Meng served his parents with devoted compliance. 吴猛,晋朝濮阳人,八岁时就懂得孝敬

    • 英中对照 中国二十四孝经典民间故事18:Lying Down On The Ice to Fetch Carp For His Stepmother: Wang Xiang 卧冰求鲤:王祥During the Jin Dynasty, a young boy named Wang Xiang (Wang the Lucky) lost his mother to illness. 在晋朝,王祥,琅

    • 英中对照 中国二十四孝经典民间故事17: Never Tiring of Feeding Her Mother-in-law Milk: Lady Tang 乳姑不怠:崔山南In the Tang Dynasty, an official named Cui Shannan, had in his family the Grand Dame Zhang Sun, Mr. Cui's great-g

    • 英中对照 中国二十四孝经典民间故事16:Crying By the Grave When Thunder Rolled: Wang Pu 闻雷泣墓:王裒Wang Pu (Wang Weiyuan) was a filial son who lived during the Three Kingdoms Period. His mother dreaded the sound of thunder-

    • 英中对照 中国二十四孝经典民间故事15: Spurting Spring and Jumping Carps 涌泉跃鲤:姜诗Jiang Shi was a man of Guanghan, Sichuan in the East Han Dynasty. He married Madam Pang and the couple was pious. 姜诗,东汉四川广汉人,娶庞氏为妻。夫妻孝顺,其家

    • 英中对照 中国二十四孝经典民间故事14: Leave Better Food for Mother 拾葚异器:蔡顺 Cai Shun was a man in Runan (today's Henan) of the Han Dynasty. His father died when he was young and he was very pious to his mother. 蔡顺,汉代汝南

    • 英中对照 中国二十四孝经典民间故事13:Fan Mattress and Warm Quilt 扇枕温衾:黄香 Huang Xiang was a man of Anlu, Jiangxia in the East Han Dynasty. His mother died when he was nine years old and he was very pious to his father.

    • 英中对照 中国二十四孝经典民间故事12:Bury Son to Support His Mother 埋儿奉母:郭巨Guo Ju was a man of Longlv (today's Linzhou, Anyang, Henan) or of Wen County in Henei (today's southeast of Wen County, Henan) in the East Han

    • 英中对照 中国二十四孝经典民间故事21: With Deep Concern, Tasting His Father's Stool: Yu Qianlou 庾黔娄尝粪忧心Qianlou lived during the Period of the Northern and Southern Dynasties, in the state of Qi. He rose to office and

    • 英中对照 中国二十四孝经典民间故事10:Work as Laborer to Support Mother 行佣供母:江革Jiang Ge was a man of Zibo, Kingdom Qi in the period of the East Han Dynasty. His father died when he was young and he was very pious to hi

    • 英中对照 中国二十四孝经典民间故事08:Sell Oneself for Burial of Father 卖身葬父:董永According to the legend, Dong Yong was a man of Qiancheng (today's north of Gaoqing County, Shandong) in the East Han Dynasty. His mother d

    • 英中对照 中国二十四孝经典民间故事07:Entertain the Parents with Performances 戏彩娱亲:老莱子Lao Laizi was an anchorite in Spring and Autumn Period. He did farming at the south side of Meng Mountain to avoid the chaos in that

    • 英中对照 中国二十四孝经典民间故事06:Feeding Parents with Deer's Milk 鹿乳奉亲:郯子Tan Tzu was a man in the Spring and Autumn Period. 郯子,春秋时期人。As his parents were very old and suffered from eye disease, they need to drink d

    • 英中对照 《二十四孝》全名《全相二十四孝诗选》,是元代郭居敬编录,一说是其弟郭守正,第三种说法是郭居业撰。二十四孝包含二十四个关于孝顺的故事,下列表为二十四孝故事中英对照汇总。中国二十四孝经典民间故事汇总贴(中英对照)中国二十四孝经典民间故事01:舜帝孝感动天(中英)中国二十四孝经典民间故事02:汉文帝刘恒亲尝汤药(中英)中国二十四孝经典民间故事03:曾参啮指痛心(中英)中国二十四孝经典民间故事0

    • 英中对照 中国二十四孝经典民间故事24:Personally Scrubbing His Mother's Chamber-pot: Huang Tingjian.涤亲溺器:黄庭坚Huang Tingjian was a well-known calligrapher, poet, and filial son who lived during the Song Dynasty. 黄庭坚,北宋分宁

    • 英中对照 中国二十四孝经典民间故事23 :Resigning Office to Search For His Mother: Zhu Shouchang 朱寿昌弃官寻母A man of the Song Dynasty named Zhu Shouchang lost his mother at age seven in this way: His mother was a concubine,

    • 英中对照 中国二十四孝经典民间故事11: take oranges for parent 怀橘遗亲:陆绩lu ji was a man of huating, wu county (today's songjiang, shanghai) in the period of the three kingdoms and a scientist. 陆绩,三国时期吴国吴县华亭(今上海市松江)人,科学家。

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