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沈佺期: 杂诗/ Shen Quanqi: LINES

沈佺期: 杂诗/ Shen Quanqi: LINES

沈佺期: 杂诗/ shen quanqi: lines
闻道黄龙戍, 频年不解兵。
可怜闺里月, 长在汉家营。
少妇今春意, 良人昨夜情。
谁能将旗鼓, 一为取龙城。
shen quanqi
against the city of the yellow dragon
our troops were sent long years ago,
and girls here watch the same melancholy moon
that lights our chinese warriors --
and young wives dream a dream of spring,

that last night their heroic husbands,
in a great attack, with flags and drums,
captured the city of the yellow dragon.

闻道黄龙戍, 频年不解兵。
可怜闺里月, 长在汉家营。
少妇今春意, 良人昨夜情。
谁能将旗鼓, 一为取龙城。

沈佺期: 杂诗/ shen quanqi: lines
shen quanqi
against the city of the yellow dragon
our troops were sent long years ago,
and girls here watch the same melancholy moon
that lights our chinese warriors --
and young wives dream a dream of spring,
that last night their heroic husbands,
in a great attack, with flags and drums,
captured the city of the yellow dragon.
