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孟浩然: 宿桐庐江寄广陵旧游

孟浩然: 宿桐庐江寄广陵旧游

孟浩然: 宿桐庐江寄广陵旧游/ meng haoran: from a mooring on the tonglu to a friend in yangzhou
山暝听猿愁, 沧江急夜流。
风鸣两岸叶, 月照一孤舟。
建德非吾土, 维扬忆旧游。
还将两行泪, 遥寄海西头。
from a mooring on the tonglu to a friend in yangzhou
meng haoran
with monkeys whimpering on the shadowy mountain,
and the river rushing through the night,
and a wind in the leaves along both banks,
and the moon athwart my solitary sail,

i, a stranger in this inland district,
homesick for my yangzhou friends,
send eastward two long streams of tears
to find the nearest touch of the sea.

山暝听猿愁, 沧江急夜流。
风鸣两岸叶, 月照一孤舟。
建德非吾土, 维扬忆旧游。
还将两行泪, 遥寄海西头。

孟浩然: 宿桐庐江寄广陵旧游/ meng haoran: from a mooring on the tonglu to a friend in yangzhou
from a mooring on the tonglu to a friend in yangzhou
meng haoran
with monkeys whimpering on the shadowy mountain,
and the river rushing through the night,
and a wind in the leaves along both banks,
and the moon athwart my solitary sail,
i, a stranger in this inland district,
homesick for my yangzhou friends,
send eastward two long streams of tears
to find the nearest touch of the sea.
