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    • 英中对照 通常来说谚语是人民群众口头流传的习用的固定语句,用简单通俗的话来反映深刻的道理,它们表达了人们丰富的社会生活经验,闪耀着人民智慧的光芒。因此,我非常想知道,某些谚语是不是也带给你一点生活的感触?你能将所想与我们一起分享么? 1. quietude is the crown of life. 安静是生命的皇冠。 2. quality matters more than quanity. 质

    • 英中对照 1. it is discouraging to think how many people are shocked by honesty and how few by deceit. (n. coward ) 令人沮丧的是,有那么多人对诚实感到吃惊,而对欺骗感到吃惊的人却那么的少。(科沃德) 2. when i was young, i admired clever people. n

    • 英中对照 名人名言即经典性的著作和权威性的言论,这样的语言总是会带来振聋发聩、醍醐灌顶的效果,所谓“一句话改变人生”就是如此吧。如果某一天,在某一个地方,曾经有那么一句话深深出动了你柔韧的心房,希望你愿意与我一起分享。鲁迅说:“真的猛士,敢于直面惨淡的人生,敢于正视淋漓的鲜血。”不管现实如何,不管未来如何,希望我们永远斗志昂扬! 1. throughout life, we rely on sma

    • 英中对照 通常来说谚语是人民群众口头流传的习用的固定语句,用简单通俗的话来反映深刻的道理,它们表达了人们丰富的社会生活经验,闪耀着人民智慧的光芒。因此,我非常想知道,某些谚语是不是也带给你一点生活的感触?你能将所想与我们一起分享么? 1. the devil sometimes speaks the truth. 魔鬼有时也会说真话。 2. the darkest place is under t

    • 英中对照 1. Two wrongs do not make a right. 别人错了,不等于你对了。 2. Tomorrow never comes. 我生待明日,万事成蹉跎。 3. Too much familiarity breeds contempt. 过分熟悉会使人互不服气。 4. Two of a trade seldom agree. 同行是冤家。 5. To know every

    • 英中对照 1. in nature there are no rewards or punishments; there are consequences. (horacl annexley vachell, british writer) 自然界中没有奖赏和惩罚,只有因果报应。(英国作家 瓦谢尔 h a) 2. a man who is never satisfied with himself

    • 英中对照 1. fish and visitors smell three days.( franklin benjamin, american president) 鱼放三天发臭,客住三天讨嫌。 (美国总统 富兰克林. b.) 2. if you doubt yourself , then indeed you stand on shaky ground.(ibsen, norwegian dr

    • 英中对照 ◆ It hurts to love someone and not be loved in return. But what is more painful is to love someone and never find the courage to let that person know how you feel.只有付出的爱是痛苦的,但比这更痛苦是爱一个人却没有勇气让那人知道

    • 英中对照 1. most of it doesn’t matter.so much of what i got excited about, anxious about, or wasted my time and energy on, turned out not to matter. there are only a few things that truly count for a happ

    • 英中对照 即使是中文里,教导人们遵守诺言的俗语也层出不穷:“人而无信,不知其可也”“言必信,行必果”。重信守诺应该是对一个人较高的评价了吧? 1. a word spoken is an arrow let fly. 一言既出,驷马难追。 2. a word spoken is past recalling. 一言既出,驷马难追。 3. so sai

    • 英中对照 爱美之心,人皆有之。从远古的氏族社会一直到今天,我们人类在不停的进步、发展,许多特性乃至基因都改变了,可关于美的追求却始终未曾停滞甚至有变本加厉的趋势。为了美,整容丰胸者有之;为了美,嫉妒成狂者亦有之,就连号称“美容大王”的大s也承认自己为美甚至到了变态的地步。还记得发人深省的那部电影《美丽人生》(life is beautiful)吗?美丽亦有性格,坚强而自信,

    • 英中对照 1. Create a plan for each day--use the plan to organize your day, but don't be married to the plan--remain flexible.每天做一个计划——用这个计划来安排你的日子,但不要过于死板,要保持灵活性。2. Keep a list of your priorities in view.

    • 英中对照 1. Stop worrying .worry kills life.停止忧虑.忧虑要人命。2. Begin each day with a prayer. .It will arm your soul.以祷告来开始每一天。这会武装你的灵魂。3. Control appetite .Over indulgence clogs body and mind.控制食欲。暴饮暴食阻塞身心。4.

    • 英中对照 [英文]:You don't get to choose how you're going to die, or when. You can only decide how you're going to live now.[中文]:你不能选择怎样死,或什么时候死.你只能决定现在怎样生活. [英文]:Mean men admire wealth; great men, glory.[中文

    • 英中对照 1. It hurts to love someone and not be loved in return . But what is more painful is to love someone and never find the courage to let that person know how you feel.只有付出的爱是痛苦的,但比这更痛苦是爱一个人却没有勇气让那人

    • 英中对照 与人和睦相处很重要,学会尊重它人是赢得友谊的第一步。1.Keep skid chains on your tongue; always say less than you think. Cultivate a low, persuasive voice. How you say it counts more than what you say.1.惜言如金。说的永远比想的少。养成低声说话

    • 英中对照 菜根谭的智慧中有云:“十语九中未必称奇,一语不中,则愆尤骈集;十谋九成未必归功,一谋不成则訾议丛兴。君子所以宁默毋躁、宁拙毋巧。” 意思是即使十句话能说对九句也未必有人称赞你,但是假如你说错了一句话就会遭受人的指责;即使十次计谋你有九次成功也未必得到奖励,可是其中只要有一次计谋失败,埋怨和责难之声就会纷纷到来。所以有修养的君子宁肯沉默寡言,不是经过深思熟虑的话不随

    • 英中对照 1. a flow of words is no proof of wisdom. 口若悬河不能作为才智的证明。 2. a fool always comes short of his reckoning. 愚人常缺算计。 3. a fool always rushes to the fore. 傻瓜总爱强出头。 4. a fool and his money are soon part

    • 英中对照 小的时候,听过这样的话:“仁者乐山,智者乐水。”那么什么是智者呢?简单而言,就是聪明人。国人一向深以聪明而自诩甚至自傲,就连三尺小童在得到聪明的表扬之后也难免雀跃之情。国内一位学者称:“教也者,长智而救其愚者也”,主张通过教育而得智,由此可想如果我们都变成智者或许生活就会美好了许多吧?老子也说“上善若水”,希望人们可以拥有如水般得德行。既然人人都追求“智”,让我们以智者的箴言来要求自己吧

    • 英中对照 1. at open doors dogs come in. 狗从开着的门中进来。 2. a tree is known by its fruit. 观其行而知其人。 3. as you brew, so must you drink. 自搬石头自压脚。 4. as the call, so the echo. 发什么声音,有什么回声。 5. as you make your bed s
