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1. a wise head makes a close mouth. 智者寡言。
2.a still tongue makes a wise head. 智者寡言。
3. a wise man cares not for what he cannot have. 智者不作非分之想。

4. a wise man changes his mind, a fool never will. 智者通权达变,愚者刚愎自用。
5. a wise man needs not blush for changing his purpose. 智者不耻于改变初衷。
6. a wise man thinks all that he says, a fool says all that he thinks. 智者思其所言,愚者言其所思。
7. a wise man will make tools of what comes to hand. 聪明的人能随机应变。
8. a word is enough to the wise. 对明智者一言已足。
9. a good marksman may miss. 智者千虑,必有一失。
10. all the wit in the world is not in one head. 世界上所有的智慧不可能集中于一个脑袋。

1. a wise head makes a close mouth. 智者寡言。
2.a still tongue makes a wise head. 智者寡言。
3. a wise man cares not for what he cannot have. 智者不作非分之想。

4. a wise man changes his mind, a fool never will. 智者通权达变,愚者刚愎自用。
5. a wise man needs not blush for changing his purpose. 智者不耻于改变初衷。
6. a wise man thinks all that he says, a fool says all that he thinks. 智者思其所言,愚者言其所思。
7. a wise man will make tools of what comes to hand. 聪明的人能随机应变。
8. a word is enough to the wise. 对明智者一言已足。
9. a good marksman may miss. 智者千虑,必有一失。
10. all the wit in the world is not in one head. 世界上所有的智慧不可能集中于一个脑袋。
