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Unit 9 Have you ever been to a museum?


 Unit 9 Have you ever been to a museum?
Section A
1b Listen. Have these students ever been to these places? Check (√) the boxes.
I'm bored, Claudia.
Let's do something interesting.
Have you ever been to a science museum?
Yes, I have.
I went to the National Science Museum last year.
Have you ever been to a history museum?
No, I haven't.
Me neither. Let's go to one tomorrow.
Well, that sounds good, but I'm not interested in history.
Really? I didn't know that.
Well, how about the art museum?
Have you been to the art museum?
I've been to the art museum many times.
Me, too. But I'd like to go again.
Hmm, let's see... how about the nature museum?
I've been there a few times.
So have I. I went there on our last school trip.
I know. Let's go to the space museum.
I've never been there.
That's a great idea.
I went there last year, but I'd like to go there again.

