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    • 英中对照 Fast food-快餐 点点英语网为您收集 www.ddyingyu.com Fast food business has developed tremendously in the past 50 years.Nowadays people will see all kinds of fast food restaurants here and there.which clearly

    • 英中对照 [fly]又迟到了【内容提示】你是否有过迟到的体验?迟到以后你是如实讲你的不对呢还是找某种借口呢?如果你找借口的话会找些什么理由呢?也许你要说你的表不准了,或者说自行车坏了,或者说汽车出了事故,或者说你病了等等。结果呢,等你走进教室时并不像你想象的那样,而是……【作文示范】Being Late Again“My God! I'll be late again!”I said to mys

    • 英中对照 关于学业的 点点英语网收集整理 论文网 www.ddyingyu.com With the human resource market getting competitive,more and more students have sensed the tense atmosphere and felt the necessity of learning more. They are n

    • 英中对照 关于“失败”方面的-Failure 点点英语网整理收集 Everyone knows that failure always accompanies us in our life. No matter what we do, none of us can say we will surely succeed, because there is no such thing as plain

    • 英中对照 上网对孩子好还是不好,好在哪里,不好在哪里,并谈谈自己对这个问题的看法 点点英语网收集整理 www.ddyingyu.com We should say that every coin has its two sides. So it is with surfing on line.Generally speaking, students will benefit a lot from

    • 英中对照 Obeying the Traffic Laws-遵守交通规则 点点英语网收集整理 论文网 www.ddyingyu.com I am often very afraid to cross large wide streets. I always go to the traffic light and use the crosswalk, but many times I have be

    • 英中对照 My Favourite Book 点点英语网整理收集 论文网 www.ddyingyu.com I like reading,so I love many diffe rent kinds of books very much,because they not only broaden my horizons(视野)but also give me inspiration(灵感). 点

    • 英中对照 The Business Letter-商业书信由点点英语网整理收集 The business letter is the principal means used by a business firm to keep in touch with its customers; often enough it is the only one and customers form their

    • 英中对照 Chinese and English similarity-关于中文和英文的相似之处 由点点英语网收集整理 www.ddyingyu.com Chinese and English similarity In the initial Chinese people learn English, teachers usually remind students of English and

    • 英中对照 My new teacher is my English teacher.Her Chiaese name is Su Lili.Her English name is Kelly.She's young .She's very pretty.She likes swimming,listening to music and playing basketball.Her favourit

    • 英中对照 一堂有趣的课【内容提示】老师们组织课堂的方式各有不同,有的喜欢用严肃的方式授课,有的喜欢用活泼的方式组织课堂教学,还有的喜欢把课堂搬到工厂、田间去。无论哪一种方式你肯定喜欢趣味横生的课堂。那么,请你写一篇文章,写你们的一位老师上的一堂有趣的课。【作文示范】An Interesting ClassMiss Tong, our English teacher, often teaches u

    • 英中对照 Sharing Housework-分担家务 点点英语网整理收集 点点英语网 Sharing Housework I used to be a lazy boy. I had never done any housework before.But now everything has changed. On the first day of my summer vacation, I f

    • 英中对照 烛光【内容提示】你有一位老师,年纪大了,不久就要退休。他对你们要求很严,你们稍一出错他就严厉批评。开始,你们和他的关系不好。但是,逐渐地你们才知道他是一位亲切热心的老师。他不仅对你们要求严,对他自己也很严。他一上讲台就陶醉于教学,就会忘记自己的不幸与疾病,专心致志地教你们。你们很爱戴他、尊敬他。他像一支蜡烛,燃烧了自己,照亮了别人。【作文示范】A CandleLu Minger, our

    • 英中对照 My Father-我的爸爸 由点点英语网收集整理 My Father My father is a tall man with a pair of glasses. Everyone says he is a kind-hearted man. He often helps his neighbours and some strangers whom he doesn't know a

    • 英中对照 星期天【内容提示】星期天你会干什么?你会回答:一是睡懒觉,二是玩。但是,你父母的行动和语言教育了你。假如你父亲或母亲是一位工程师或医生。他们有工程或病人在等待他们去处理,所以一大早就有人来电话叫他们去,电话打搅了你的睡觉。你发牢骚,而你母亲或父亲的一番话,使你深受启发。于是你也早早起来做功课或帮着父母干家务活了。【作文示范】A SundayIt was Sunday. I had hop

    • 英中对照 A Pop Star-流行歌手 点点英语网整理收集 A Pop Star My favourite pop star is Zhou Huajian. I like him not only because he is very handsome, but also his songs are very beautiful. On October 18, he gave a perfor

    • 英中对照 Advantages and Disadvatages of Mobile phones-手机的优点和缺点 点点英语网收集整理 点点英语网 As every body knows, mobiles are playing a important part in our daily life nowadays.But they have bot advantages and disadvt

    • 英中对照 第一次上讲台【内容提示】在一次示范课上,老师提出让你们到讲台进行演讲、讲故事或讲解某个问题。你觉得这是锻炼自己的好机会,但又怕出了错被同学、老师笑话。经过短暂考虑之后你还是自告奋勇登上讲台,按老师要求的做了。你做得很好,得到同学和老师的称赞。【作文示范】Speaking on the PlatformThe bell was ringing. Miss Wu, who teaches u

    • 英中对照 一位重要的人【内容提示】请你根据下面的故事写一篇英语文章:很多年前,有一个陆军下士(corporal)指挥一队士兵修筑一座毁环了的桥梁。这个下士认为自己是最大的人物,所以只发号施令不动手。士兵们正把一根木头往一个土墩上搬,但是由于人手不够上不去。这时,一位打扮成平民模样的绅士碰巧路过这儿,问下士为什么不帮忙。下士说他是下士,所以不干活。来人脱掉外套帮战士们把木头搬上土墩,并对下士说,下次

    • 英中对照 我最好的朋友【内容提示】你有一位最要好的朋友,名叫王英。她是三好学生,她学习勤勉,性情温厚,门门功课学得都好。她是个热心肠的人,经常帮助别人。在你有病时,她帮你补课。她把省下的钱送给需要帮助的人。去年的一天,她为了救一个落水的小男孩献出了自己的生命。每当你看见她的照片就情不自禁地想起了她。请你就上述内容,再加上你自己的想象和发挥,写一篇回忆性的记叙文。【作文示范】My Best Frie
