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    • 英中对照 The telephone is the older female cousin comes, said some crystal matters with me. Lays down the telephone, I groping went back lie down. Carries on greatly, active thinking activity. West though

    • 英中对照 On Punctuality When you are waiting in front of a theatre or at the train terminal, you will realize how important punctuality is. Punctuality is really a virtue, especially in a modern life. Per

    • 英中对照 A Bitter Sweet Experience-又苦又甜的经历 点点英语网整理收集 点点英语网 A Bitter Sweet Experience The results of the college entrance examinatiun came. I tore open the envelope. As soon as I saw the score, tears strea

    • 英中对照 A Trip to Mount Jiuhua-九华山之行 点点英语网收集整理 A Trip to Mount Jiuhua It was a fine day in May. I took a bus to Mount Jiuhua. As the hus was passing half way through the mountain I saw a sea of green tre

    • 英中对照 Different people have various ambitions. Some want to be engineers or doctors in the future. Some want to be scientists or businessmen. Still some wish to be teachers or lawers when they grow up

    • 英中对照 大学英语作文:我理想的工作Every person has his own ideal job. Some people wish to be doctors, while others want to be teachers and so on. As far as I am concerned, I have been dreaming of being a guide for a

    • 英中对照 My First Flight-第一次飞行 由点点英语网收集整理 www.ddyingyu.com My First Flight It was a fine day in July when summer holidays began. The East Airline Company usually provides teachers and students with the pr

    • 英中对照 Youthful Times. Time flies when we are having fun is an old expression. We know, as we reminisce of our past, time flies regardless. As we grow beyond our teenage. We remember the times of fun we

    • 深夜客栈


      英中对照 The Diner at Midnight-深夜客栈 I've been in lots of diners, and they've always seemed to be warm, busy, friendly, happy places. That's why, on a recent Monday night, I stopped in a diner for a cup of

    • 英中对照 The Harmfulness of Heresies-邪教的危害 点点英语网整理收集 The Harmfulness of Heresies提纲:1.什么是邪教。2.邪教对社会的危害。3.如何抵制与消除邪教。 There are various kinds of heresies in the world, which lead people to believe what is un

    • 英中对照 Fireworks-烟花 点点英语网收集整理 Fireworks提纲1. 关于是否禁放烟花炮竹的争论由来已久。2. 一部分人认为……另一部分人认为……3. 我的观点…… There has long been a heated discussion by the public over the setting off of firecrackers and fireworks. Some

    • 英中对照 A Summer Day-夏季的一天 One day thirty years ago Marseilles lay in the burning sun. A blazing sun upon a fierce August day was no greater rarity in southern France then than at any other time before o

    • 乌来瀑布


      英中对照 Wu-Lai Waterfall-乌来瀑布 I have heard of the magnificent Niagara Falls in the United States but I have never been there. I had a chance to visit Wu-Lai Waterfall last Sunday. We, a group of five,too

    • 英中对照 Individuality-个性 点点英语网为您收集 Individuality提纲1.什么是个性?2.如何体现个性。 Nowadays, individuality has become a popular term with young people. But what is "individuality"? It is being different from others not

    • 英中对照 Lets Honor Farmers-向农民致敬 点点英语网收集整理 点点英语网 www.ddyingyu.com Let's Honor Farmers提纲1. 建议我们应该有农民节。2. 设立农民节的原因。 There are a lot of annual public holidays in China, such as Labor's Day, Children's Day a

    • 英中对照 Money and Honor-金钱与荣誉 The duality of money has been puzzling people since its first appearante. On the one hand, clean money can sweeten your life, help you succeed and be your lifelong faithful

    • 英中对照 To Dye It or Not to Dye It-染发还是不染发由点点英语网整理收集 www.ddyingyu.com To Dye It or Not to Dye It提纲:1. 染发已是很普遍的现象。2. 对于染发存在的两种意见。3. 我的观点。 Today, the hair of Chinese is no longer black only. Red, blue, yel

    • 英中对照 The Housing Conditions in Our Citv Are Improving-我们这座城市的住房条件正在改善 In the past,the housing conditions in our city were rather poor. A lot of families had to live in one room which was their bedroom

    • 英中对照 New Sports Giant in Embryo-体育超级大国的兴起 The excitement of Sydney 2000 Olympic Games lasted for a long time. 28 gold medals won by Chinese athletes dwarf our Asian nelghhors, heat quite a few hlg cou

    • 英中对照 The Meaning of Life-生活的意义由点点英语网整理收集 The Meaning of Life提纲1.有些人认为生活的意义在于……我则认为……2.剖析原因。 People hold various opinions on the purpose of life. Some think that they live for money, some for fame, som
