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    • 英中对照We had English final exam yesterday.我们昨天英语期末考试。I feel very sad now because I think I didn’t do well in the exam.我感到很伤心,因为我觉得我没把试考好。Firstly, just a moment ago I realized that my composition i

    • 英中对照Among all the sports, I like basketball most.在所有运动中我最喜欢的篮球。It is both an indoor and outdoor sport.它既是室内运动也是户外运动。People in everywhere like to play or watch this game.到处的人们都喜欢玩或观看这个比赛。I also like to

    • 英中对照Travel is a good way to refresh and broaden our horizon.旅行是消除疲劳开阔眼界的好方式。During your travel, you can turn off your cellphone and keep far from the Internet. You can forget your work, your study or

    • 英中对照When it comes to middle school life, many people will regard it as busy, enrich and happy.谈及中学生活时,很多人都会用忙碌,充实和开心来形容。For me, it is.对我来说,确实是这样。The most obvious factor for middle school is study, stu

    • 英中对照The Duanwu Festival, which is also called the Dragon Boat Festival, is an ancient Chinese traditional festival, celebrated on the fifth day of the fifth lunar month.端午节,又称龙舟节,是中国古老的传统节日,在农历的五月初五这天

    • 英中对照Different students like different ways to go to school.不同的人喜欢用不同的方式去学校。As for me, I like to go to school on foot the most. There are four reasons.至于我,我最喜欢走路去学校。有四个理由Firstly, my home is not far awa

    • 英中对照Today I learned about present progressive tense.今天我学了现在进行时。It is a tense used to express action that is on-going at the time of utterance.这是一个表达说话这时正在进行的动作的时态。It is not difficult for me, because I

    • 英中对照Dear Amy,亲爱的艾米:Long time no see. How is everything going?很久不见。最近怎么样了?I am writing to tell you a good new about me.我写这封信给你是想告诉你我的一个好消息。I received my high school admission this morning.我今早收到高中入学通知书了

    • 英中对照Amy is an American girl .She lives in New York .艾米是一个美国女孩。她住在纽约。There are four people in her family, her parents, her elder brother and her.她家里有四口人,她的父母,她的哥哥和她。Amy’s father is an engineer an

    • 英中对照Water is very important. It is the source of life.水非常重要。它是生命之源。Everything in the world can’t live without water.世界上的所有东西都离不开水。The proportion of water and a person’s weight is about 70%

    • 英中对照Study is the necessary process that everyone need to experience. And then exam will follow.学习是每个人都必须要经历的过程。然后考试就随之而来了。To obtain a good score, review is inevitable.为了获得好成绩,复习是必须的。Almost everyone wa

    • 英中对照We are often taught to have a thankful heart.我们经常被告知要怀有一颗感恩的心。But how to express our thanks is a question.但是如何向他人表达我们的感激却是一个问题。In my opinion, how to express our appreciation should depend on the s

    • 英中对照My family has lived in this uptown for a long time. We get along well with our neighbors. Living in the next door is also a family.我们家在这个小区已经住了很长时间了。They have a little boy, who is one year older t

    • 英中对照I like midsummer the most in the whole year.一年当中我最喜欢的是仲夏。In the day time, it is very hot.白天的时候,天气很热。It seems that we all live in the hot pan. It is not comfortable.我们就好像生活在热锅上一样。很不舒服。But in the ev

    • 英中对照Dear Mr. Wang,亲爱的黄先生:Thanks for offering me the opportunity to work for Designs & Fashion .非常感谢你给了我为设计和时尚工作的机会。But I have to say sorry for having to quit this job.但我不得不说抱歉因为要辞掉这份工作。Painfully,

    • 英中对照Summer holiday is coming.暑假就要来了。My classmates have different plans for it.同学们都为自己的假期制定了不同的计划。Some of them plan to travel to have a good rest.有的同学打算去旅游,休息一下。They think that places of interests can

    • 英中对照The first day of the lunar year is a Chinese traditional festival--Spring Festival.农历的第一天是中国的传统节日——春节。People all over the country come back home and get together to celebrate it.全国各地的人

    • 英中对照Guangzhou is the capital of Guangdong Province. It’s a large modern city that develops fast.广州是广东省的首府,是一个快速发展的现代都市。There are many tall buildings in Guangzhou. Most of them are office buildin

    • 英中对照Some people love to play badminton, some love to play football, others love swimming.有些人喜欢打羽毛球,有些人喜欢踢足球,其他人喜欢游泳。But my favorite sport is basketball.而我最喜欢的运动是篮球。It is very popular in China because

    • 英中对照What do think of subsidiary courses? In my opinion, it is very important.你怎么看辅修课程的呢?在我看来,辅修课程是很重要的。Subsidiary courses help students learn more knowledge.辅修课程帮助学生学习更多的知识。If students only learn thei
