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    • 英中对照 Thomas and Alfred were two best friends. Whenever it got hot, they would take their cows up to a cool, green pasture in the mountains. Usually they stayed there with the cows all summer. The work

    • 英中对照 The Headless Horseman无头骑士 One cold winter night, early in the New Year, a certain Dutchman left the tavern in Tarrytown and started walking to his home in the hollow nearby. His path led next to

    • 英中对照 In the process of recalling my college days, I am reminded of that momentous occasion during my first year at St Montague's, when, by some irksome and malign fate, I discovered myself sharing the

    • 英中对照 Last month, I had a 91 year old hospice patient, "old John who was dying of CHF. His wife had died 2 years ago, so he was alone. He had long since given up being able to care for his pet dog

    • 英中对照 I worked in my local pub and over the weekends and some times during the week I would stay over there with the other bar manager. We shared a room. It wasn't strange to us to hear things at night

    • 英中对照 It was in the middle of winter and I was staying after school to rehearse for a dance production I was in. When it had ended, I asked for my mum to come and pick me up but she was at her Bridge C

    • 英中对照 I had just moved to San Antonio, Texas. I had gotten a job working for the tour bus service that would take tourists on a short tour of the city's historic places and would end up at the Alamo.不久

    • 英中对照 We moved in our new house. The house has cathedral ceilings up and down, and the only attic space was in the adjoining wall from my son’s room, which is above the kitchen. It is about twelv

    • 英中对照 In downtown New York, at a somewhat trashy apartment, there lived a man named Howard. He was a young man, in his mid-twenties, and had a terrible fear of cockroaches. Well if you've been to New Y

    • 英中对照 It was vacationing on the Greek island of Corfu for about a month in August of 1992. I rent a motorcycle and head into the interior of the island in search of isolated trails and sleepy villages.

    • 英中对照 The old man longed for children. But he and his young wife had none, so he invited his nephew to live with them. This infuriated his wife, who had a vile temper. When her husband welcomed the you

    • 英中对照 I was leaving my driveway to drive one mile to town. There were woods and few houses along the way. I had just pulled out and there was a thick fog rolling in. Very creepy at night. I had only go

    • 英中对照 Figure On The Proch 门廊鬼影 Back in the early 1980s my aunt lived in a house that was literally located in the middle of nowhere.It used to really creep my younger brother and me out, but we loved t

    • 英中对照 A couple of friends and I were hangin' out one day and we found an Ouija board in one of their basements. It was really nice, not one of those mass produced plastic things, it was made of wood an

    • 英中对照 City Of The Dead 死亡城 A few years ago when I was 18, I was dating a girl from Edinburgh. Now this place has quite a lot of history so ghost tours are common but one stands out as being famous due

    • 英中对照 I live in rural Virginia, and my high school, believe it or not, was in between two pastures in a very agrarian area. Although I was never much into sports, I had a few friends who were, and seve

    • 英中对照 真实历史:1888年9月30日凌晨一点四十五分左右,46岁的妓女凯萨琳·艾道斯(catherine eddowes)被发现横尸在主教广场(mitre square)上。除了同样被割喉剖腹,肠子甩到右胸外,她还被夺去部分子宫和肾脏。由于巡罗的员警声称一点半时这里并无异状,因而研判死者是在一点半至一点四十五分之间被杀害,并被剖开腹部。凶手行凶手法之利落,让多数人认为他可能是专业

    • 英中对照 devil's island is located at the northeast entrance to halifax harbour just off of shore of eastern passage. the first mention of the island historically can be found in 1711, when it was include

    • 英中对照 Lacey Delgado walked down the long dark hall leading to the locker room bathrooms. Something about the chill of the hall and the odd echo of her footsteps gave her the creeps, even though she cou

    • 英中对照 This is a story from the book Strange Tales from Make-Do Studio. There was an old man with the surname Feng, he had a son named Xiangru. Xiangru studied hard but failed several times in passing t
