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    • 英中对照 10. 猿猴的哭泣the crying ape 很久以前的一个晚春,一队战车轰隆隆地在平原上疾驰而过。战士们穿着闪亮的盔甲,旌旗在风中飘扬。 long, long ago, a file of chariots rumbled quickly across the plain late one spring. the soldiers wore sparkling armor. bann

    • 英中对照 19. 第十和第一的故事how the tenth became the first过去,世界上很少有人能够读书识字。在中国,家长们都希望他们能多赚一些钱,好让他们的儿子跟随老师学习读写。如果他们用功读书,通过科举考试,就能在朝廷中谋得职位。这将使整个家族赢得尊敬、荣誉和权力。但是,科举考试非常难。很多人从少年到白头,考了一遍又一遍,还是没能通过考试。 in the old days,

    • 英中对照 18. 化成鱼形的龙dragon in disguise从前,有个60多岁的楚姓老人。他一生做了很多好事。那时候,交通极不便利。于是他捐钱造桥修路,方便百姓。他还经常伸出援手助人之需。邻人对他的善行赞不绝口。 there was an old man named chu. he was well over sixty. he had done many good things throu

    • 母鹿


      英中对照 17. 母鹿the mother deer 清晨,树林里静悄悄的。 the forest was still in the early morning.冉冉升起的朝阳照亮了大地、森林和草原。群山映出美丽的光彩,溪流也泛起闪闪涟漪。万物一片静谧。 the rising sun lit up the earth, the forest, and the plains. the mountai

    • 英中对照 16. 救助蚂蚁的沙弥the novice monk who rescued the ants小和尚还不到受戒年龄,就叫做“沙弥”。 a little monk who is not old enough to get ordained is called a novice monk.从前有个小沙弥,他跟着一个极有智慧的师父学习佛教。他是一个好学生,恭敬、诚恳、听话,而且学得很快。 on

    • 救龙子


      英中对照 15. 救龙子saving the dragon king's son 从前有位姓孙的老医生,心地十分善良。对待动物,更是仁慈。 once there was an old doctor named sun. he was very kind, especially to animals.秋天里一个晴朗的日子,他正在村外闲逛,恰巧看到两个小孩抓了一条蛇,他们不停地逗弄它,把蛇弄得奄奄一息

    • 英中对照 14. 不怕砍头的人the man who didn't mind being executed永明大师的真名是延寿,他圆寂后,朝廷追授他为智觉公。因为他住在杭州的永明寺里,人们还是习惯称他永明大师。 the real name of the master yongming was yanshou, and after he passed away, the emperor bestow

    • 子产和鱼


      英中对照 13. 子产和鱼zi chan and the fish子产是约2500年前春秋时期郑国的一位政治家。孔子曾高度评价过他的智慧。子产是如此的聪明和善良,至今中国的老百姓都非常尊崇他。他济贫并救人于危难,喜欢行善,特别是从不杀生。 zi chan was a statesman who lived in zheng during the spring and autumn period,

    • 英中对照 20. 鸟儿举行的葬礼burial by birds有一个人孤零零地住在一座小屋里。 a lonely man lived by himself in a little hut.他叫孙良。他一贫如洗,但诚实而善良。他为别人打零工,得到的报酬很少。然而每当他看到落入陷阱的动物,只要他有钱,一定把它买下来放归树林。 his name was sun liang. he was dirt po

    • 乌龟报恩


      英中对照 11. 乌龟报恩a turtle's gratitude在公元四世纪的秦朝,山阴县有个名叫孔玉的中年人。他虽是朝廷命官,但在朝中的官位最低,官俸也少得可怜,日子过得非常艰难。 during the chin dynasty of the fourth century, there was a middle-aged man in shanyin called k'ung yu. he w

    • 玉柱汤


      英中对照 9. 玉柱汤jade chopstick soup 从前,在浙江温州,有个名叫萧振的男孩。有一天,他梦到一个身穿金甲的神对他说:“孩子,你只能活到18岁。”他醒来后,觉得很害怕。他非常难过自己那么年轻就要死去。 in wenzhou in zhejiang, there lived a boy called xiao zhen. one night a god in golden arm

    • 鹿救恩人


      英中对照 8. 鹿救恩人the deer that saved its rescuer翠绿的树林里,一条小溪潺潺流过,灿烂的野花装点着林间的小屋。 the murmuring brook in the green forest flowed past glorious wild flowers which decorated the little house there.红日当空,忽然,一只鹿闯进

    • 英中对照 12. 成汤的故事cheng tang and the net3500多年前,中国有一位仁厚而贤明的皇帝,名叫成汤。每年他都要巡视他的疆土,走访所有的国民,看朝廷是否还有未尽之事。 more than 3,500 years ago, there was a very kind and wise emperor called cheng tang. every year he trave

    • 放生池


      英中对照 1. 放生池the free life pond浙江天台山的山峰是青黛色的,犹如竖起的画屏。远客纷沓而至,观其美景。 the peaks of tiantai mountain in zhejiang are green and black. they stand like an ornamental screen. people come from far away to enjoy

    • 送水的象


      英中对照 7. 送水的象elephants to the rescue约两千多年前,古印度有一条小河,其中有个满是鱼儿的水塘。鱼儿们在清澈的水里快乐地生活着。它们时时在水中跳跃、穿梭或浮在水面上,尽情徜徉在它们的水上家园。 some two thousand years ago, in a river in ancient india, there was a pond full of fish.

    • 英中对照 6. 山雀的报答the titmouse's reward 在约两千年前的汉代,华阴山北面,住着一姓杨的农户。他们全家都是农民,非常珍爱他们的独子,并给他起名叫做宝——财宝的意思。 during the han dynasty, about two thousand years ago, to the north of huayin mountain, there lived a fam

    • 英中对照 5. 一臂易一命an arm for a life 这天风和日丽,天气真好。 it was a clear, sunny day. the weather was beautiful. 佛陀正走过一片树林,忽然他看见一只巨鹰正在追一只鸽子。老鹰正要猛扑鸽子,鸽子认出佛陀,躲到他身边。佛陀护起鸽子,不让老鹰抓到。那只老鹰停在附近的一枝树枝上,说道:“你救了鸽子,就意味着要让我饿肚子。你真卑

    • 英中对照 4. 瓮中的鳗鱼eels in the urn 中国明朝万历年间(1573-1620年),1620年也是清教徒抵达美国麻萨诸塞州的那一年。当时,中国有个美丽的城市叫杭州,城里住着一个姓余的富贾。马可波罗曾称杭州为kinsai(编者按:意为“天堂之城”),并且称赞它是世界上最壮观、最美丽的城市,宛如人间天堂。 the wanli period of the ming dynasty in

    • 英中对照 3. 大许的舌头big xu's tongue 从一个破旧的老店里忽然传来一声令人毛骨悚然的尖叫,接着听到一个人倒在地上的声音。 from a run-down old storefront came a hair-raising shriek followed by the sound of a body falling to the ground.邻居们都赶紧冲出来看看是怎么回事。他

    • 三月呻吟


      英中对照 2. 三月呻吟moaning and groaning for three months灯火在寒风中飘忽不定。 the little lamp fluttered in the cold wind.有些中国人认为冬天吃狗肉能暖身子,所以在这个大冷天,狗肉店里座无虚席。店里人声喧嚣,空气里弥漫着狗肉味。 some chinese believe that dog meat warms yo
