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张旭: 桃花溪/ Zhang Xu: PEACH-BLOSSOM RIVER

张旭: 桃花溪/ Zhang Xu: PEACH-BLOSSOM RIVER

张旭: 桃花溪/ zhang xu: peach-blossom river
隐隐飞桥隔野烟, 石矶西畔问渔船;
桃花尽日随流水, 洞在清溪何处边?
peach-blossom river
zhang xu
a bridge flies away through a wild mist,
yet here are the rocks and the fisherman's boat.
oh, if only this river of floating peach-petals
might lead me at last to the mythical cave!

隐隐飞桥隔野烟, 石矶西畔问渔船;
桃花尽日随流水, 洞在清溪何处边?
张旭: 桃花溪/ zhang xu: peach-blossom river
peach-blossom river
zhang xu
a bridge flies away through a wild mist,
yet here are the rocks and the fisherman's boat.
oh, if only this river of floating peach-petals
might lead me at last to the mythical cave!
