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Criminal Minds 第四季(Episode 21-22)

Criminal Minds 第四季(Episode 21-22)

◎ Episode 21: A Shade of Gray(2009.4.22)
●To lose a child is to lose a piece of yourself.——Dr.Burton Grebin
【Dr.Burton Grebin(儿科医生 ):失去孩子,等于失去自己的一部分。】(Rossi)
●without a family, man alone in the world,trembles with the cold.——Andre Maurois
【Andre Maurois(法国著名传记文学作家 1885-1967):若没有家庭,孤独生活在这世上的人将会在冷风中颤抖不已。】(Rossi)
◎ Episode 22: The Big Whee (2009.04.29)
●in order for the light to shine so,brightly,the darkness must be present. --Francis Bacon
●no matter how dark the moment,love and hope are always possible.--George Chakiris
【George Chakiris (美国演员、舞蹈家,1934~):无论眼前有多黑暗,爱和希望总有可能。】(Morgan)

【Dr.Burton Grebin(儿科医生 ):失去孩子,等于失去自己的一部分。】(Rossi)
【Andre Maurois(法国著名传记文学作家 1885-1967):若没有家庭,孤独生活在这世上的人将会在冷风中颤抖不已。】(Rossi)
◎ Episode 22: The Big Whee (2009.04.29)
●in order for the light to shine so,brightly,the darkness must be present. --Francis Bacon
◎ Episode 21: A Shade of Gray(2009.4.22)
●To lose a child is to lose a piece of yourself.——Dr.Burton Grebin
●without a family, man alone in the world,trembles with the cold.——Andre Maurois
●no matter how dark the moment,love and hope are always possible.--George Chakiris
【George Chakiris (美国演员、舞蹈家,1934~):无论眼前有多黑暗,爱和希望总有可能。】(Morgan)