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Criminal Minds 第四季(Episode 5-6)

Criminal Minds 第四季(Episode 5-6)

◎ Episode 5: Catching Out(2008.10.29)
●Plenty sits still; hunger is a wanderer.——Zulu proverb
●Beyond the East the sunrise, beyond the West the sea, and the East and West the wanderthirst that will not let me be.——Gerald Gould
【Gerald Gould(英国作家、记者、评论家,1885-1936):东方红日出,西方白浪翻。就东难舍西,我心欲狂乱。】(Prentiss)
◎ Episode 6: The Instincts(2008.11.05)
●Who speaks to the instincts speaks to the deepest in mankind, and finds the readiest response.——Amos Bronson Alcott
【爱默斯•布朗森•爱尔考特(19世纪美国哲学家、教育家、改革家,贫农之子,自学成才,『小妇人』作者路易莎•梅•奥尔科特(Louisa May Alcott)之父,1799-1888):触及本能者即触及人性最深处,并能得到最及时的回应。】(Hotch)
●I think the truly natural things are dreams, which nature can't touch with decay.——Bob Dylan

【Gerald Gould(英国作家、记者、评论家,1885-1936):东方红日出,西方白浪翻。就东难舍西,我心欲狂乱。】(Prentiss)
【爱默斯•布朗森•爱尔考特(19世纪美国哲学家、教育家、改革家,贫农之子,自学成才,『小妇人』作者路易莎•梅•奥尔科特(Louisa May Alcott)之父,1799-1888):触及本能者即触及人性最深处,并能得到最及时的回应。】(Hotch)
◎ Episode 5: Catching Out(2008.10.29)
●Plenty sits still; hunger is a wanderer.——Zulu proverb
●Beyond the East the sunrise, beyond the West the sea, and the East and West the wanderthirst that will not let me be.——Gerald Gould
◎ Episode 6: The Instincts(2008.11.05)
●Who speaks to the instincts speaks to the deepest in mankind, and finds the readiest response.——Amos Bronson Alcott
●I think the truly natural things are dreams, which nature can't touch with decay.——Bob Dylan