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Criminal Minds 第二季(Episode 21-23)

Criminal Minds 第二季(Episode 21-23)

◎ Episode 21: Open Season(2007.05.02)
●One man's wilderness is another man's theme park.——Author unknown
●Wild animals never kill for sport. Man is the only one to whom the torture and death of his fellow creatures is amusing in itself.——James Anthony Froud
【James Anthony Froud(英国历史学家):野生动物从不为杀而杀。只有人类才从折磨以及同类的死亡中寻求快感。】(Prentiss)
◎ Episode 22: Legacy(2007.05.09)
●Of all the preposterous assumptions of humanity, nothing exceeds the criticisms made of the habits of the poor by the well-housed, well-warmed, and well-fed.——Herman Melville
●Nothing is permanent in this wicked world, not even our troubles.——Charles Chaplin
◎ Episode 23: No Way Out (2): The Evilution of Frank(2007.05.16)
●I choose my friends for their good looks, my acquaintances for their good character, and my enemies for their good intellects.——Oscar Wilde

【James Anthony Froud(英国历史学家):野生动物从不为杀而杀。只有人类才从折磨以及同类的死亡中寻求快感。】(Prentiss)
◎ Episode 22: Legacy(2007.05.09)
◎ Episode 23: No Way Out (2): The Evilution of Frank(2007.05.16)
◎ Episode 21: Open Season(2007.05.02)
●One man's wilderness is another man's theme park.——Author unknown
●Wild animals never kill for sport. Man is the only one to whom the torture and death of his fellow creatures is amusing in itself.——James Anthony Froud
●Of all the preposterous assumptions of humanity, nothing exceeds the criticisms made of the habits of the poor by the well-housed, well-warmed, and well-fed.——Herman Melville
●Nothing is permanent in this wicked world, not even our troubles.——Charles Chaplin
●I choose my friends for their good looks, my acquaintances for their good character, and my enemies for their good intellects.——Oscar Wilde