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    • 英中对照Once man did not have to think about the protection of his environment. There were few people on the earth, and natural resources seemed to be unlimited.Today things are different. The world has b

    • 英中对照People around the world may feel that the climate has been getting steadily warmer and warmer in recent years. Places which used to be abundant in snowfall have frequently experienced snowfree(无雪的

    • 英中对照1. 全球变暖对地球环境造成了很大影响2. 引起全球变暖的原因3. 我们需要采取的措施Environmental ProtectionNo one, regardless of race, religion or nationality, can deny that the world we live in is becoming increasingly intolerable beca

    • 英中对照Long long ago, many families had three or four children. They couldn't look after everyone well, so the children must do everything by themselves. They were too poor to go to school. Some of t

    • 英中对照We can't have good luck forever,so learning how to face difficulities is important. Some people feel upset when they meet difficulities,and they don't want to try to let their dreams come

    • 英中对照 Have you ever been fed up with the boring life in the city? Should you be tired of the crowded roads and endless noises, you might want to have a glimpse of the primary forest with me.As soon as

    • Love 爱


      英中对照Love makes the world go around.Love to us human is what water to fish.Love shines the most beautiful light of humanity,we born in it,we live by it.Too often we take it as granted,but we should kno

    • 英中对照 Many people are active in fighting against unfair treatment to colored people, women , animals and so on. Right now I am talking about fighting for respect to our environment.Though the environme

    • 英中对照As food is to the body, so is learning to the mind. Our bodies grow and muscles develop with the intake of adequate nutritious food. Likewise, we should keep learning day by day to maintain our ke

    • 英中对照My View on Food Security食品安全问题之我见 Over the past couple of years, several cases of the food scandal have been disclosed on various media. The problem of food security has become a hot button across

    • 英中对照There are still many problems of environmental protection in recent years. One of the most serious problems is the serious pollution of air, water and soil. the polluted air does great harm to peo

    • 英中对照 哥本哈根联合国气候会议 As world leaders are in Copenhagen (哥本哈根)this month,talks about climate change are gathering steam. But is climate change the most pressing threat(威胁)for mankind? Write an essay to sh

    • 英中对照提纲:全球气候变暖是目前人类面临的最大环境问题。请你根据以下提示,写一篇英语短文,为“节能减排”献计献策。背景:随着经济的发展,更多的温室气体被排放,其中大约70%为二氧化碳,这也是全球变暖的主要原因之一。后果:海平面上升;自然灾害频繁。措施:1.多使用清洁能源,少用煤、油;2.在可能的情况下以步代车;要求:1. 短文必须包括表格中的所有内容要点,可适当发挥,措施中

    • 英中对照Create a green campus1.建设绿色校园十分重要2.绿色校园不仅仅指绿色环境3.为了建设绿色校园我们应该...Create a green campusWith the development of scientific conductions, our daily life is becoming more and more convenient. But everyt

    • 英中对照It is believed in common that beauty exists everywhere on the campus as long as you have an eye for it. Some people hold that natural scenes, especially at dawn, are the most beautiful on the camp

    • 英中对照The monkey is a very cunning little animal and is found in many parts of the world.猴子是非常狡猾的动物并分布在世界各地。A lady once had a monkey, which had been brought to her as a present. This monkey, like all ot

    • 英中对照For this snowstorm, in order to allow the victims of the snowstorm in the restoration of normal life as soon as possible, a large-scale donor activities began. Online publicity in calling for the

    • 英中对照 I always dream about returning to the past. As many people say, childhood is the happiest and easiest time in one’s life.Children show you their true emotions. They know what is compassion

    • 英中对照That was a morning in the early of June. I took a bus to my school in the suburb which was surrounded by rice paddies and ponds. The sky was gray with the gloomy clouds congregating gradually alon

    • 英中对照Last summer I spent a two-week vacation at my aunt's place. My aunt lived alone in a mountain village, with a small river winding its course everyday.One morning I went fishing in the river, w
