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How to keep healthy 怎样保持健康

How to keep healthy 怎样保持健康

As we know, keeping healthy is important to us. But what should we do to keep healthy? First,we should get up early.
we should eat healthy food, drink a lot of water and do more exercise . Food can give us energy. Doing exercise can make us strong. Second,we should change clothes often, wash hands often, keep the air fresh and clean and do house cleaning often to stop germs from getting into our bodies.
You shouldn’t keep long fingernails. At last, we should go to see a doctor at once if we don’t feel well.

As we know, keeping healthy is important to us. But what should we do to keep healthy? First,we should get up early.
we should eat healthy food, drink a lot of water and do more exercise . Food can give us energy. Doing exercise can make us strong. Second,we should change clothes often, wash hands often, keep the air fresh and clean and do house cleaning often to stop germs from getting into our bodies.
You shouldn’t keep long fingernails. At last, we should go to see a doctor at once if we don’t feel well.我们应该吃健康的食物,多喝水,多做运动。食物给我们能量。做运动可以让我们坚强。第二,我们应该经常换衣服,勤洗手,保持空气新鲜,干净和做房子清洁常常阻止细菌进入我们的身体。
