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欢送词:欢送外籍教师-Sending Off a Foreign Teacher,欢送词:欢

欢送词:欢送外籍教师-Sending Off a Foreign Teacher,欢送词:欢

欢送词:欢送外籍教师-Sending Off a Foreign Teacher 点点英语网收集整理 论文网 www.ddyingyu.com 欢送外籍教师
Sending Off a Foreign Teacher
Dear Miss White, boys and girls,
Today, we gather here to have a send-off meeting. Our English teacher Miss White is going to leave her post and return to her country----the United States. We all know Miss White came to our school in September, 1989. She has taught us spoken English for about a year. During the course of her English teaching she was strict with us. She was always kind to us. She often made her lessons lively and interesting.She is loved and respected by us all. Now she will leave our school soon. We thank her very much for her wonderful work and wish her to have a good journey.
Thank you!
post[p ust]n.岗位;职位;职守
欢送词(send-off speech)是主人在送别参观访问的客人或聘请、招聘来工作的员工时讲的话。这样的致词要表现出依依惜别之情,要写得友好热烈,彬彬有礼;在对离别的员工致欢送词时要将其工作表现、业绩等做一简短表述,表示出对其工作的肯定和褒奖。
欢送词:欢送外籍教师-Sending Off a Foreign Teacher 点点英语网收集整理 论文网 www.ddyingyu.com

欢送词:欢送外籍教师-Sending Off a Foreign Teacher 点点英语网收集整理 论文网 www.ddyingyu.com 欢送外籍教师

Sending Off a Foreign Teacher
Dear Miss White, boys and girls,
Today, we gather here to have a send-off meeting. Our English teacher Miss White is going to leave her post and return to her country----the United States. We all know Miss White came to our school in September, 1989. She has taught us spoken English for about a year. During the course of her English teaching she was strict with us. She was always kind to us. She often made her lessons lively and interesting.She is loved and respected by us all. Now she will leave our school soon. We thank her very much for her wonderful work and wish her to have a good journey.
Thank you!
post[p ust]n.岗位;职位;职守
欢送词(send-off speech)是主人在送别参观访问的客人或聘请、招聘来工作的员工时讲的话。这样的致词要表现出依依惜别之情,要写得友好热烈,彬彬有礼;在对离别的员工致欢送词时要将其工作表现、业绩等做一简短表述,表示出对其工作的肯定和褒奖。
欢送词:欢送外籍教师-Sending Off a Foreign Teacher 点点英语网收集整理 论文网 www.ddyingyu.com
