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    • 英中对照 All over Britain on Christmas Day, families can be found sitting around their dining tables enjoying a traditional lunch of roast turkey with all the trimmings - and all, regardless of age, weari

    • 英中对照 In the middle of the night I hear a scream, one I'll never forget. As I awake, I wonder. was Lilly having a nightmare? Had Jake watched a scary movie before bed? Did a mysterious noise make Bella

    • 英中对照 On the 24th of December every year, children around the world put out milk and cookies in the hopes of luring a magic fat man into their home who will leave presents behind before sneaking into t

    • 英中对照 2012年圣诞节就要到了,分享一个温馨感人的圣诞节英语故事,多年过后,笔者一直留着那个空空的装满圣诞礼物的盒子,因为那是一份最纯真、最温馨的圣诞礼物。一个寄居在姑姑的家10多岁的孤儿,受尽姑姑的冷嘲热讽,然而他还是保留了那份纯真。他在圣诞节的时候送了笔者那个空空的盒子,装满爱的盒子作为圣诞节礼物。christmas is for love. it is for joy, for givi

    • 英中对照 圣诞节英语小故事,圣诞节是孩子们的童话,孩子是父母的天使,孩子送的礼物就像是天使送的礼物。看到最后一句,以为人父母的读者,会不会甜蜜的想到自己家的天使呢?hiding the presents 藏礼物i had finished my christmas shopping early and had wrapped all the presents. having two curious

    • 英中对照 这是一个真实的圣诞节故事,在圣诞节创造的奇迹,在距圣诞节还有两天的时候,一场剧烈的风暴袭击了小教堂,教堂的一大块石膏掉下来,雨水侵蚀,圣坛后的一块石膏掉了下来。伤心的牧师和他的妻子振作起来参加了一个拍卖会,牧师最后拍得一块珍贵的金色和象牙白相间的蕾丝桌布,准备回去布置好,挡住那个损坏的地方。这个故事都是由这一块美丽的桌布而起。牧师拍走的这块金色和象牙白蕾丝桌布让一对因为战争而分离走散多年

    • 英中对照 gingerbread man圣诞姜饼人在西方家喻户晓的童话形象。 出自the gingerbread man这个传统故事,讲一只刚烤好的姜饼小人为了避免被吃的命运,从烤箱里逃出来,一路狂奔,躲过了老爷爷老奶奶,猪,牛,马,最后在过河时,被狡猾的狐狸欺骗还是被吃掉了。整个故事里姜饼小人一直在唱一句话“run, run, as fast as you can. you can'

    • 英中对照 the little drummer boy小鼓手的故事,这个是小鼓手的故事其中比较真实的一版,没有被神话,写了圣母玛丽在大卫的马厩生下耶稣的故事。>>查看迈克尔.杰克逊演唱的《the little drummer boy小鼓手的故事》david grew up in the kitchen of the inn. his father was the innkeeper.

    • 英中对照 Christmas cards 圣诞贺卡The custom of sending Christmas cards started in Britain in 1840 when the first 'Penny Post' public postal deliveries began. (Helped by the new railway system, the public post

    • 英中对照 A shoemaker, through no fault of his own, had become so poor that he had only leather enough for a single pair of shoes. He cut them out one evening, then went to bed, intending to finish them th

    • 英中对照 Father Christmas is based on a real person, St. Nicholas, which explains his other name 'Santa Claus' which comes from the Dutch 'Sinterklaas'. Nicholas was a Christian leader from Myra (in moder

    • 英中对照 The old man with the sack 拎麻袋的圣诞老人 'Father Christmas' (or 'Santa Claus') has become the human face of Christmas. Pictures will be seen everywhere of the old man with long white beard, red coat, a

    • 英中对照 the story of the christ child and christmaswhen rome was a great empire ruled by caesar augustus and israel was governed by king herod, in the village of nazareth lived joseph and mary. joseph wa

    • 英中对照 this time of year, many westerners, perhaps americans more so, are familiar with the popular tune in many a store, "here comes santa claus, right down santa claus lane…" santa vi

    • 英中对照 A Funny Story Of Santa and the Two Sisters圣诞老人和黛西两姐妹Daisy and her thirteen-year-old sister, Mia, had been fighting a great deal during the last year. This often can happen when you combine a stro

    • 英中对照 It is said that there was a goodness man went broke his domain. He lived a hard life and he has three daughters. The three daughters were being married but he didn't have money to buy dower for h

    • 英中对照 for today's christian, the origin of christmas is, and should be, the birth of jesus christ as recorded in the bible. nothing more and nothing less. however, most of what we witness on december 2

    • 英中对照 according to the bible, the holy book of christians, god decided to allow his only son, jesus christ, to be born to a human mother and live on earth so that people could understand god better and

    • 英中对照 It was unusually quiet in the emergency room on December 25.十二月二十五日,急诊室里异乎寻常地安静。I was triage nurse that day. I didn't think there would be any patients, sighing about having to work on Christmas.

    • 英中对照 关于圣诞树的传说It is said that there was a farmer served a poor boy on a cold windy Chrismas Eve and gave him a big chrisemas meal. The boy cut a Fir tree's branch and inserted it into the earth.He said

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