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    • 英中对照 a long time ago in china lived the jade emperor. it was his birthday. he wanted to measure time to know how old he was.很久很久以前住着一位玉皇大帝,有一天他的生日到了,他想测量一下时间,好让他知道自己已经多少岁了。all the animals arrived. the

    • 英中对照 二月二龙抬头,北方人很重视,关于龙抬头很有很多传说的故事,也有历史相关的故事。这是一则历史与传说相结合的故事,相传唐朝武则天登基后,玉帝大怒,下令龙王三年不准给人间降雨,然后龙王仁慈,不忍见百姓受苦,私自降雨,而遭受天帝惩罚,被贬下凡压在大山之下。玉帝称,除非金豆开花,否则龙王将永远压在大山之下。百姓感恩龙王的救命之恩,四处奔走找金豆,到了二月初二这天,忽见有人在晒金黄的玉米种子,那人心

    • 英中对照 the story about the origin of the festival goes like this. buddhism first entered china during the reign of emperor mingdi of the eastern han dynasty. that was in the first century. however, it d

    • 英中对照 Lantern Festival falls on the fifteenth day of the first lunar month. This is the first full moon of the new year, symbolizing unity and perfection. Lantern Festival is an important part of Sprin

    • 英中对照 俗话常说“龙生九子,九子各有不同”,关于这句话有一个很长的故事,就是龙生了9个儿子,每个儿子的习性却完全不同,下面是关于龙生九子的故事英语版及中文版。2012 is the year of dragon. some people say 2012 is a black dragon or water dragon year. this is because the

    • 英中对照 the spring festival couplet is to be pasted on doorposts or hall pillars, hence also known as the doorpost scroll. it consists of two vertical lines and one horizontal line, and all the lines con

    • 英中对照 there are many stories on how this festival was created. one other story is about a maid. in the han dynasty, mr. eastern was a favorite advisor of the emperor. one winter day, he went to the gar

    • 英中对照 元宵节点彩灯来历:这个故事可以告诉大家元宵节为什么又叫灯节。传说在很久很久以前,凶禽猛兽很多,四处伤害人和牲畜,人们就组织起来打它们,有一只神鸟因为迷路而降落人间,却意外的被不知情的猎人给射死了。 天帝知道后十分震怒,立即传旨,下令让天兵于正月十五日到人间放火,把人间的人畜财产通通烧死。天帝的女儿心地善良,不忍心看百姓无辜受难,就冒着生命的危险,偷偷驾着祥云来到人间,把这个消息告诉了人们

    • 英中对照 大家都知道元宵节要点花灯,张灯结彩、点响炮竹,放烟火,课大家知道为什么元宵节要点灯吗?这里有一个关于元宵节点灯的传说there are many different beliefs about the origin of the lantern festival. but one thing for sure is that it had something to do with rel

    • 英中对照 腊八节的由来有两个传说。一说佛祖释迦牟尼成佛前进山修行。十二月初八这天因饥饿劳累栽倒路旁, 被一牧羊女发现,用大米粥救活,使他大彻大悟.得道成佛。Laba Festival there are two legendary origin. Buddha Sakyamuni Buddha said that a move mountain cultivation. December eigh

    • 英中对照 spring couplets, a chinese new year decoration, are an integral part of china's new year. their beginnings go back as far as the origins of new year's festivities.春联,是中国新年的装饰,没有春联,春节就不完整。春联的来历就要说

    • 英中对照 泡腊八蒜是北方,尤其是华北地区的一个习俗。顾名思义,就是在阴历腊月初八的这天来泡制蒜。其实材料非常简单,就是醋和大蒜瓣儿。做法也是极其简单,将剥了皮的蒜瓣儿放到一个可以密封的罐子,瓶子之类的容器里面,然后倒入醋,封上口放到一个冷的地方。慢慢地,泡在醋中的蒜就会变绿,最后会变得通体碧绿的,如同翡翠碧玉。老北京人家,一到腊月初八,过年的气氛一天赛过一天,华北大部分地区在腊月初八这天有用醋泡蒜

    • 英中对照 On the 24th day of the last lunar month the Kitchen god returns to heaven to give a report to the Jade Emperor (in Chinese mythology the Jade Emperor is the ruler of heaven) about the family's ac

    • 英中对照 只看中文只看英文

    • 英中对照 Chinese people held the first New Year Festival more than 3,000 years ago. Farmers gave thanks for the harvest and prayed. They asked the gods for good crops in the coming year.中国人庆祝中国传统新年已经有3000

    • 英中对照 once upon a time many, many years ago, there lived in china two friends named ki-wu and pao-shu. these two young men, like damon and pythias, loved each other and were always together. no cross w

    • 英中对照 origin of dragon dance,关于舞龙的由来,民间传说有好几个版本,这只是其中之一,中英文对照,用词简单。one day, the dragon king’s was suffering from terrible back pain and it was more than he could endure.传龙王背痛得受不了了。in the dragon p
