There is a can beside the river. He is sad. 河边有一个罐子。它很伤心。
Can: Can you help me? I want to go home. 你能帮帮我吗?我想回家。
Bird: Sorry. I'm busy. 对不起。我很忙。
A naughty bear kicks the can. 一个淘气的熊踢了罐子。
Bear: Haha! 哈哈!
Can Oh, no! 哦不!
The can flies over Rabbit and Monkey. 罐子飞过兔子和猴子。
Can: Help! 救命!
Monkey: Look at that poor can. 看那可怜的罐子。
Rabbit: Come on! We're late for school. 快点!我们要迟到了。
The can flies between two fish. 罐子从两条鱼中间飞过。
Mr Fish: Here comes a can. 一个罐子来了。
Ms Fish: Let's give it to Zoom. He can help. 我们把它给祖姆吧。他能帮忙。
Zoom catches the can. 祖姆抓到了罐子。
Zoom: Let me help you. 我来帮帮你吧。
Can: Thank you. Home, sweet home. 谢谢。家,美好的家。